Can't Choose 19 vs 22 vs 23. Does progression bar matter in Scout?
So, LaFonte is 19 years old with 81 rating low progression bar.
Onana is 22 years old with 85 rating and progression bar is higher.
Strakosha is 23 years old with 86 rating and has the highest progression bar.
I don't know which one I should choose. -
Depends if you need a higher rated keeper as number 1 or not. Or what your other keeper is like.
All things equal I would go for Onana as he has proven in my experience to be more consistent than Strakosha.
I have only ever chosen LaFonte as a number 2 to train him up to take over from a number 1. Another factor in his favour is you can get a good French defender to be the leader of your backline like Pavard, Umititi etc.
All keepers are good.