Cant acess osm on web!
hi guys! i hope someone could help me. My osm on web cant load my clubs. i tried to enter in slot 1 and the game just continue to load and dont stop. OSM mobile works fine. Any suggestions?
Which browser do you use? -
@vinayak-singh-mehra google chrome but i have tried internet explorer and edge and nothing worked. i also cleaned the cache and cookies.
I have no problems on Chrome. -
Can you please explain exactly what happens when you try to log on web? All the steps you take?
When you refer to OSM mobile are we talking about iOS/AND OSM App or logging via Web on a mobile device (smartphone)?
How do you log on OSM? With your OSM credentials or with FB credentials/Gamecenter/Google?
NOTE: Screenshots/video of the whole process will help us helping you!
@specialone hi! I can play OSM mobile ios or web using the phone. I tried another pc and worked so i dont understand Why i cant play on my pc. i cant upload the video. Basically i can login to my account but when i want to enter in one of my clubs just keeps loading.
As you probably already guessed it's a problem with your PC.
My advise is that you clear all temp data (try with CCleaner).
Then I would also advise you to search for virus/adware.After all this, check if you've any software blocking OSM traffic (some times is anti-virus). You may have blocked by mistake on firewall OSM or any of the other sites used when OSM is loading.
I would also try to install a different browser (if you've edge, try chrome or firefox or even opera)