Not receiving the Boss Coins for completing offers !
Hello , I just completed 1 offer that was installing and running the app : Castle Cash and receiver like 20 BC , everything went perfect and I played like 5 minutes and received the bosscoins , I liked it , free coins , easy u know just perfect . Then I went for another one that was instaling Mobile Strike and getting the Headquartes to lvl 6 , I have it lvl 6 for at least 3 hours already and didnt got my 60 coins, I even connected my Mobile Strike account to my facebook , but when u go to the PersonaLy Support it says there the coins were Credited , I didnt receive any coins . Another one was Installing the IQ Option app and running it , I did create an account entered on the game and nothing once again and for this one it says I will receive 1138 BossCoins. I mean , I am installing and doing what you want , and getting nothing . I love your game and I like to play it dont ruin the image I have from you .
Things u may want to know :
My android : Samsung Galaxy S5
Email : (this email is the same as my account on OSM , Facebook , Mobile Strike , Castle Clash and IQ Option)