Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to guarantee the receipt of free Boss Coins within a specific time frame, or even at all in some cases. Generally Boss Coins are credited within 30 days of completing the offer. If you haven't received them after this time, there are several reasons you may not qualify for free Boss Coins, the most common reasons being:
(1) You are younger than the minimum age required for the offer.
(2) You do not live in the country which is showing in your OSM profile (yes, we do check and so do our partners!)
(3) You failed to make a purchase or failed to commit to a contract when it was a requirement of the award of free Boss Coins.
(4) The e-mail address you signed up with was not the same as the e-mail address you use for OSM. In this case there is nothing we can do to help you as we have no way of tracing your offer.
(5) The relevant company offering the free Boss Coins may have to manually confirm the award - this can take time, so please be patient.
(6) The company offering free Boss Coins may simply have not accepted your offer application.Regrettably there is very little we can do in cases where free Boss Coins have not been awarded other than advising you to contact the company you completed the offer for and asking if they received your application. You can use one of the following contacts, depending on the free-product partner you tried:
Please contact Sponsorpay here:support@sponsorpay.comTokenAds
Please go back to TokenAds offers within the game you are playing and click on the 'support' button on the top right corner. The TokenAds team should reply to your inquiry within 24 hours.