Medals rules and logic
The classification of medals on separate locations allows you to play medals and other competitions organized by moderators such as Crew Cup or competitions in our countries.
I also want to clarify that if options are deactivated in your championships, you do not get bonus medals at the end of the championship. It's a scam!
It's like saying to Nadal or Federer, if you lose in the final of Rolland Garros, Wimbledon and the US Open, you will be behind players who have won tournaments in their village in the ATP ranking ... That's what medals are all about. .. It seems to me not complicated to make a system allowing to continue playing big competitions without this being a disadvantage for the classification having in particular to put forward the best OSM players. -
@timilic7 Hey! In the end of the day, the player who wins more leagues, cups and leagues will top the medals ranking! Once you spoke in a tennis language... The medals ranking is the ATP Champions Race. The regular ranking is the ATP World Ranking. I think there is space for both of them. Have a Nice 2021!
To win medals, you have to play a lot of league against mediocre coaches. We can not therefore play strong competitions in crew under penalty of falling in the rankings. In the end, either the best players who fight for their ranking will abandon their crew to not go down the rankings, or the ranking will not really be representative of the strength of the players. Sometimes I feel like Gamebasic's goal is to destroy crews. After the end of the old battles, here is another blow to the world of crews. Without the crews and their competitions, a very interesting part of the game would be gone. I have found in the crews that I have frequented more than players, they are my friends (even if it is only virtual), without a crew I think the game would lose a lot of old players, who have contributed a lot to this game. In summary, the problem is not just the medal ranking, but general and if the goal is to prevent players from meeting as a crew, then gamebasic just has to say it openly I would find it braucoup faster. The general level of OSM will be pulled down favoring the noobs who may be spending more coins than the old ones ... (maybe it is OSM's bet?) Good day to you all. Here is my humble opinion.
@pagno7 I am part of a crew and have a slot fully dedicated to it. I play competitive leagues where the teams have all the same goal and squad value and where you can't train your players or do friendlies. I try not to play against weak players. And after all that I am top 220 in the World and top 15 in my country. It is possible to perform well on both rankings!
@ruipsc5 A location for your Crew.I have three locations for my Crew, of course sometimes my available ones are not used if my Crew needs so we lose points when the location is free, after each one plays as he wants but for my Crew competitionsare much more interesting than doing a basic three championship, without Crew I stop the game.
So we can't understand each other ... Being in the 15 in my country and the top 100 in the world is not necessarily what I call performing ... But what bothers me in this ranking is that it puts the players at a disadvantage. players playing real championships like you or me .. High level battle, WC among other things ...... since in these Championships we necessarily lose more medals than we win .... And to be world top 10 For 3 years in a ranking, the one in coaching points, with two world championship finals and being 120 th in the other I find that totally inconsistent ...
Happy New Year to you too coach !!!! -
@timilic7 True! I understand what you are trying to say.
All we have to do is win 20 out of 22 in those competitive championships!
Good luck, bro!
@nicolas-mangeard In my crew we have 4 static sub-groups composed by 6 players each. One of the elements rests for 1 battle. And we always have 4 battles on going! I really like the crew world!
Look, between the first 2 in the medal classification if there are no inconsistencies.
And all the players who were top 10 point managers, and who fought to be level. No longer top 10 medal. So for some of the years of play in the trash and it's a shame that all the time passed was forgotten.
Hello everyone, I would like to respond to this debate, hoping that an employee will read us one day.
I sincerely think that the implementation of a new points / medals system is a good thing, it allows the previous points system to evolve and I find that rather good. Unfortunately, the current system is not fair. I agree with everything that has already been said here. and the major problem is the recording of points on all 4 accounts, which therefore obliges all managers to play on their 4 accounts. or some do not have the time or wish to organize fun or on the contrary very competitive championships (crew championship, national competition, WC etc.)
It would be very welcome to obtain the precise calculation of the obtaining of medals for a victory, a draw or a defeat according to the various criteria for more transparency. I think there are things that need to be changed to avoid the ranking inconsistencies mentioned above. -
I also have a classification proposal, something that I find exceptional: it would be to establish this classification of individual medals in the same way as the system of crew battles: we would have the possibility of participating in a league. full of 8/10 teams, part of the same division. And earn points based on our results (wins / draws / losses). It would be a wonderful way to be able to be ranked honestly while still having a full and competitive league (which avoids empty championships at the same time as well as the possibility of playing against low quality opponents). This system could be done in the same way as the classification of crews, on a single account, allowing to be able to make fun / competitive championships or crew battles with our other accounts.
Maybe this is too difficult to set up, but this would be really great I think. -
@nicolas-mangeard The common point C is that the two have 0 battle point ........
, Yes, it doesn't play too much for the Crew
There are some interesting things being said here! Yes the ideal of this new medals system is awesome. About the implementation however, it seems dubious indeed. 4,5 months ago, they told us to wait a bit so that the ranking stabilizes. Let's see.
Until now, I wonder why 4 slots are needed or is the ratio against other managers according to their level well enough calculated because that leads to this question:
--> In order to be top ranked on osm, is it better to play individually 4 accounts against noobs ?
Or to play high level leagues/crew competitions ? -
Im with you completelly on this one. Idea on its own is great, but implementation is weak.
And the answer to your question is obvious. Play simple noob leagues and use as much coins as possible to minimize the defeats as most as possible, because 1 defeat as lvl 9 manager is equal to 8 wins. Even more if we count league ending bonuses.
I see no refutation of this statement until now...if so, feel free to state your conclusions as well!
If not, it's such a pity that a game with millions of players bases its ranking upon playing against CPU's...
Weakening crew activity and competitions against other players on its way. Maybe a staff member could explain why it's the case or why it's not.
Always so interesting this ranking of medals.
7 or 8 of the first 10 of the French medal ranking play on 4 closed accounts, alone against only computers to have 0 defeat .. It is terribly representative of the level of a player ... Super ...