Divisions - Discussion/Questions....
To everyone who plays OSM competitively:
- They took away the classic battles
- They put us App battles and they don't even let us select rivals to play tournaments
- They gave us a ranking that only rewards those who play 4 bad public leagues simultaneously
- Now those of us who have spent years are taken away from the ranking in which it has cost us so much to climb based on constancy.
The question is: what harm does it do to leave that ranking on par with the other?
It is incomprehensible how every decision made from above always seems designed to annoy its most loyal consumers.
Their opinion is never heard.
We all know that these surveys are not reality, by chance no one on this forum gets them, but it is good to say it, of course.I think that not everything is worth for money, you are destroying the game.
xXSpeedKill Portuguese Userswrote on 10 Mar 2021, 16:54 last edited by xXSpeedKill 10 Mar 2021, 16:55
Osm is heading for ruin ... the fact that it doesn't want to hear the many opinions of its consumers leads a project to go downhill sooner or later ... something that will happen to osm when taking the good stuff that the game has ...
This new system is ridiculous ...
-> a person who is fighting for the ranking will stop playing competitions in order to minimize losses´
-> a person who can only be active in a slot will not have a chance
-> a person who does not enter the 4 leagues in ultimate goals and invest countless coins will not have a chance to fight for the ranking.Osm is declining and does not see that consumers are not happy
So far nobody liked this ... read the comments -.- "
@alyssagb Well, a positive I can say to this is that it gives new managers an urge to want to play in order to move up the rankings and compete for the title of the best.
Change is inevitable. Algorithms change from time to time. I support this new system.
I sympathize with my fellow long-time playing managers but OSM mostly caters to the sophomores now. Most old players have retired.
This in my view has a clear target almost 1 year ago that eliminated the forum battles ready until we can understand that yes the concessions were unfair.
Now removing a ranking that promotes greater justice among those who owe is the best or worst player for a very weak Ranking does not seem at all fair.
So the biggest proof I have is that in the last few months my group had recruiting leagues and by chance some asked and the others went to get the new Ranking initially, the result that happened was surprising because those in the new Ranking did not know how to play their interest in it is zero, that is, the medal ranking who are at the top are like 95% of the players are amateurs who have no real interest in the game and of course have accounts with less than 1 year.
In conclusion this has a clear target, which are the OSM crews, as, as some mentioned, there must be 4 slots to start some investing, which will lead to many not joining the groups because they participate in competitions, APP battles and for making group leagues to evolve tactically. -
Like I said in the Portuguese Forums, OSM is no longer a simple game. This Divisions and Medals system is almost the same as the Smartphone game Score Match!
This is zero creativity. GB just limits to copy other things from similar games
@alyssagb said in Game Updates:
Manager Points replaced by Manager Medals
A while ago we added Divisions to OSM. Data and various surveys that we have conducted in the past months show that Divisions is a success and is well used by our managers.
Divisions is a worthy replacement for the Manager Points system. Therefore, we're going to phasing out Manager Points in the coming months. After that, Manager Points will no longer be visible in OSM.
Good luck playing and competing for the highest Division!
Real success. Only Success is you made the forums active for all the wrong reasons once again, last time I seen them this active was when you started banning people for playing classic battles
any chance we can see the results of these “surveys and data” that makes medals a worthy replacement? I’d be very surprised if there is any!!
While we’re at it why don’t we talk about fair play in app battles with BC compensation turned on. I assume this is based on “Surveys and Data” too @SpecialOne you’re the games manager right? Care to talk and tell us why this is better for OSM? Medals, BC compensation and removal of classic/old battles? Please do because we clearly don’t think alike.
I just saw it that some dude who playing this game for just 14 months is 1st in world with this new "Medals"
I mean WTF, I'm new in this game, and I like better Manager Points, throw time I will get to the higher place, but this Medals are zero sense to meSo, I'm gonna play this game for a year or maybe less, much less and become 1st with Medals, and that's it. Well that's boring and meaningless to me
I think the badges will be bad, the game will become bad, the cheating will increase, the tournaments and battles will become irrelevant because of the badges, and the game will become boring.
Its not that I cared a lot about the old ranking system because most of managers from top100 were cheating for many years (some of them OSM staff and moderators). Ive checked their leagues time to time and you could see every league same managers who logged in only when they had a game against the 'head' manager because more manager points. The 'head' manager it was the only one who build his team example from 30m to 300m and other managers were in the same squad value they took the team. It was obviously cheat but GB staff never took actions against them because primary was to stop classic battles because rules were being broken.
About this new medal ranking system: First when it was Introduced I said 'One more useless update, won't care at all'. But when you see many noobs and new accounts are higher than you it pushes you to 'care'. In my previous crew we had academy crew, and we recruited some managers from this new ranking system. Most of them were level 9 but we had level 10s too. Guess how they did in competitive osm? They were crap as hell and left the crew after 2 battles because it was no fun for them losing more than wining.
So now with this new ranking system you will divide the community in two sides, managers who really don't care about this ranking system and will keep playing competitive osm (when I say competitive I don't mean only managers who are playing official battles but also leagues with full great managers) and the other ones who will stop playing competitive osm and focus in 4 slots creating 4 private leagues, playing alone against CPU and claiming easy medals. So you can't have both playing competitive osm and playing for medals ranking system in same time, you gotta chose one.
Attention irony
Why are we all getting so upset? We old hands have absolutely no idea about tactics and this game. Please take a look at the world's best manager in the medal ranking. Yes, this manager has us all in the bag.
Keep playing this game and don't whine. Better take tactical lessons from this manager. He knows how to do it. -
Majstor Mattreplied to HBlauzahn on 10 Mar 2021, 18:15 last edited by Majstor Matt 10 Mar 2021, 18:16
I would like to play against him, maybe I could learn something from him.. but let me guess, I dont even have to look, it is impossible to join his private leagues? -
Majstor Mattreplied to HBlauzahn on 10 Mar 2021, 18:21 last edited by Majstor Matt 10 Mar 2021, 18:24
@hblauzahn One league check and it was enough. His team is worth 25m and this is the table. Seems legit.
@hblauzahn who's the man, He's The Man
That's the guy I'm talking about... wtf xD -
They still say that research indicates that the medal system was the best ahah. the opinion of the people who really play is here and nobody wants to ahah.
@xxspeedkill i wonder how that Computer that is with him in the league is not on the ranking. 8-1-0, 61:4 goal diff.. that PC is the CHOSEN ONE!
@hblauzahn said in Game Updates:
Attention irony
Why are we all getting so upset? We old hands have absolutely no idea about tactics and this game. Please take a look at the world's best manager in the medal ranking. Yes, this manager has us all in the bag.
Keep playing this game and don't whine. Better take tactical lessons from this manager. He knows how to do it.How is this possible!!?? For 1,5 months!!??
Then take a look at this league of him. Active managers, almost no transfers. Why don't they check that?https://de.onlinesoccermanager.com/League/Standings/101295071#standings-list
@ado-hackovic not months, says 2020 in his profile, but still there's "?"
@ialeksandari thank you i didnt see good