Avatar update
this is the way to show that OSM doesn't care about its players, it only cares about the
@specialone said in Avatar update:
Be one of the first to pick the brand new avatars. There are some awesome managers, players & clubs. And new ones will follow in the future.
Where are awesome managers, players and clubs?
So, are you telling me that FC Porto, the best portuguese club, is inappropriate content?
And like that's not enough, are you asking me to change my club?!
Unbelievable update.
@warriorfcp HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH no way
hey @SpecialOne we can't even talk w/ other managers because of that nonsense censorship
I wasn't expecting anything from you guys after you decided to remove player avatars and yet you disappointed me by removing crews avatars. What is the need to remove the avatars from the crews?
When we visit a friends profile, we can also see their name, favourite club, favourite player, descripton and league names.
I suggest you to remove all of those things and give us a list of appropriate names, appropriate clubs (I expect not to see PSG, ManCity, Chelsea or Newcastle United in there), appropriate players (I expect not to see Suárez, Sergio Ramos or Cantona), appropriate descriptions and appropriate league names. -
Maybe it is possible to introduce some sort of verification? At least for the crews. Crew logos and graphics were one of the things that made crew members distinct. Maybe you could somehow allow crew captains or owners to upload a new logo once in idk, a month? And check them before assigning to the crew. There are not as many crews and the time limit of a month per logo change should be fine and it would allow members to represent their crews and be proud of their team.
Crewchat does not work anymore. Perfectly normal commen language is censored.
what an useless update you guys made meanwhile changing nickname is not allowed , just put a price on it and let it become available i would change mine for 200bc no problem, if anyone gets offended for an image on the internet just cancel your internet and stop using it. Also change the ranking system for a proper one everyone on the top ranks only playing in leagues with bots lol make the game more competitive not in useless changes that dont matter.
@frits-van-turenhout_nl said in Avatar update:
Crewchat does not work anymore. Perfectly normal commen language is censored.
Can confirm that, sadly. Can't write a single message without this fantastic and smart censorship covering random words...
Good morning. @SpecialOne
I'm not someone who expresses myself a lot here on the Forum, but this time it reached the limit. I come to show my total displeasure with this latest update, which shows a disrespect for an entire community of OSM. You (Staff) trample on longtime Crews, prestigious national and international competitions, and so on...
This Avatar update means authentically removing the identity from a large section of the game.
And what frustrates me the most, is that no one is ever being consulted about these changes. There's never a poll to find out what the community wants. Because of a small minority, you harm a considerable lot of managers, many of them with years and years of dedication and investment in OSM.
I've been playing since 2010 and I have tolerated many game updates and competition prohibitions from you, the OSM Staff, over these past few years. Now, enough is enough. I'm sending a complaint email to Gamebasics.
Manager chat is uselles. Blocking totally random and normal words. Crew profile cannot be update as "introduction is offensive".. damn, you guys really outdone yourself with this one. But hey, we have that special flag that we can put as an avatar. Hoorah! -_-
- Useless manager chat
- Taking away a feature that makes crews and managers unique (probably because Gamebasics is too lazy dealing with the reports)
Score: 0/10, well done Gamebasics!
May I send my picture to the support team to have it approved so that I can use it as an avatar? Seems like a good idea, but does support want to work?
You know what the worst thing is: Gamebasics won't listen guys, we can argue what we want, come up with good arguments, but the reality is that we are the 1%, and they mostly care about the other 99%. It's a harsh reality.
@alexandr-petrushak This will take too much time for them = they won't do it. Simple
OSM makes a wrong move for game innovation and is a massive protest by players for the continuity of a good environment within communities. In my opinion it is not an evolutionary movement. Will lose customers and I will probably also think about whether to abandon the game. Gamebasics needs to respect the communities and especially the game groups that have been playing for many years.
Regarding the topic of avatars, everything has been said here since the announcement, but regarding inappropriate content - I believe that this option should not have been introduced.
First - the program cannot determine 100% what is inappropriate and what is not. Also, that option should not have been introduced in the manager chat - we chat with other managers, it happens that we say an "inappropriate word", sometimes it is in the hall, sometimes not. This program function should have been introduced on the forum, it would have saved OSM Staff up to 50% of their time spent on the forum.
And now I'm going back to the avatar
The fact is that one crew, one manager lost his identity with the avatar. 30% of managers have my avatar. What is the purpose? Except to free up more memoryPS. I expect answers to the two questions I asked