Battle clones 😁
@Bembelmän Well Marco, I don't know if the crew will reach position 50 in the ranking, but it seems to me that these "quadrigems" have a lot of future ahead of them!!
Oh and clearly the manager
البوت__1 is Portuguese!... -
ahaahahahah kinda sus
@FC-Eddie_nl -
The 5 "youngster" clones are doing very well against us in their 1st battle, and we currently have no chance.... Respect
. The "Youngster" clone No. 4 also seems to be very communicative. At least he writes our manager after his victory, always messages with lots of smileys... How nice of him. Unfortunately, we do not understand his language, but is certainly all very friendly and is meant with fair play
@Bembelmän Hey Marco, I'm sure Gamebasics will do their very best effort to find out whether it is correct what they are doing or not, as usual.
Such a pity. The youngsters Battle Clones 1 to 5 seem to have ended their careers after their great debut and are no longer in the crew. But maybe the players got injured, or got a red card. We will see. We hope to see you again soon and wish you good luck and a good comeback.
But the legendary scout department of the crew, does an excellent job. They were able to sign 6 new promising youngsters. You have all my respect, in the current not so easy OSM times, it is very difficult to find and recruit new talent, good job!
We hope you youngsters 7 to 11 can continue the success of the youngsters 1-5 and learn quickly. We wish you Bots, that's their game name translated from Arabic into German, also much success and much fun in your new crew. We hope you don't get hurt, don't get a red card and stay with OSM for a long time, we will follow your career closely
@SpecialOne I think that can be used for advertisment, that even young and unexperienced player can play in the higher ranking of the world. This is a great opportunity to get much more players to the game, which is free of cheaters and where pay2win is not the key to success....
Am I right @XMoshe_NL @Apocalipse4 ?
@MarkusRW5 Hi Markus,
"You can find out more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." - Plato
To properly frame my reasoning, I would start by leaving here the definition of a game: "A game is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle." in
OSM, like many other online games, has a very simple purpose: to provide fun for its users. The problem is not the game or the producer that designed it, the real problem is the player who, for various reasons or factors, sees it not as an opportunity to have fun, but rather as a means of indiscriminately asserting himself or subverting the game regulation that was defined.
When Marco created this topic, he intended to alert not only the game producer (GameBasics) but also anyone who tried to "circumvent" the rules defined by the game producer, and above all the global community of players to the intellectual dishonesty that unfortunately is rampant in game, for at least a decade so as not to go back in time.
As in so many other activities in a free and democratic society, there will always be someone who decides to choose the path of illegality.
It is up to the developer to apply sanctions to offenders in accordance with the rules of the game they created. But let's be sensible, and remember that I am not justifying committing illegalities, the main purpose of a soft house is to develop the game and provide technical support to it, it is not to "police" the dishonest player even if it is the only entity that has the means and legitimacy to do so.
The community itself has a responsibility to publicize (as Marco did) and discourage this type of behavior, using official reporting channels and also all the communication tools that exist today. This problem is more complex than it seems, and is triggered by factors such as age, social or even cultural origin.
The phenomenon of multi-accounts, as I mentioned previously, is not new and will probably continue to exist. I invite all OSM managers to reflect on this topic and collaborate with the developer by making suggestions to end or at least minimize this problem, but above all to pass on the message in their communities of Fair Play and respect for the game, which should be the values most important things, in addition to, of course, having fun in a healthy way.
Anyone who reads my post will probably think that I am "defending" the creator of the game and excusing those who commit "cheating". But this is a reductive reading because the publisher has done an excellent job over all these years but has also made some mistakes or, if you like, the wrong choices, and this is part of the growth of an idea called: OSM. A game will never be perfect because each player has an idea and it is impossible to please everyone. I strongly condemn those who "cheat", because even if the game is not perfect, nothing justifies not respecting the opponent and trying to win by illegal means.
Stay safe and enjoy the game.
@Apocalipse4 said in Battle clones
But this is a reductive reading because the publisher has done an excellent job over all these years but has also made some mistakes or, if you like, the wrong choices, and this is part of the growth of an idea called: OSM.
Yup, the publisher specially made an excellent job in creating the global ranking that values cheating and foul inactive play more than competitive play, that one we must agree.
It is always the easiest to blame the customer or a user, instead of trying to communicate with them and giving them new solution in cooperation with the most active and long-term users. But yeah, ignoring the problem and not giving any solution (profile pictures, ranking, medal system, battle results and graphics etc.) and blaming the customer who are trying to have quality fun with the product they waste time AND MONEY on. Really sad sad post this was in my perspective...
@Majstor-Matt Hi Matija,
It's always a pleasure to talk with you about OSM and especially to see that you're still active and attentive to the debate surrounding the game.
But in this case, it seems to me that you didn't understand my answer and above all the reason for creating the original post: Battle Clones.
Although I did not detail my answer about the work carried out by the game's producer over more than 20 years, because it seemed to me that this would not be the place to do it, I also did not list the "errors" or less successful choices that were made. made along this route.
I'm sorry that you classified my post as "sad" when my original intention, like the post itself, was to reinforce that players, like you and me and thousands of others around the world, don't always make the right choices towards to respect the rules of the game and to respect opponents who respect them. In fact, the respect I have for you as one of the oldest managers in this community and for the talent you have demonstrated over so many years, I believe without resorting to trickery or trying to deceive opponents by violating the rules established by the game publisher.
The original objective of this post and consequently of my response that you commented on was to try to raise awareness among managers who resort to illegal methods not to do so, and also to alert not only the game producer to this phenomenon but also the community itself in order to find a solution so that this problem does not persist and there is "sporting truth" respecting the existing regulations.
No. I'm not holding the publisher responsible for the problems that the game continues to have, and there are many, but rather I'm appealing to all managers to respect the game, because everything can't count to win.
I believe that, like me and many other managers in our community, you recognize that there are managers who use these "maneuvers", as you mentioned in the case of the global ranking of medals, and in many other situations such as the case of multi accounts that I mentioned in my previous answer.
As such, we cannot hold the game producer responsible for the behavior adopted by the managers, we can demand transparency and actions that eradicate this problem from the game, but the original responsible for the problem are the managers who seek to "circumvent" the game's regulations, which fortunately are only a tiny part of the universe of managers that exist in the community.
My friend, I hope you now understand the reason that led me to react to Marco's original post, even though I initially used sarcasm and only later, after the question raised by Markus, did I demonstrate what I think about cheaters, who are the worst that the community has.
Stay safe and enjoy the game.
#respectthegame -
@Apocalipse4 maybe i missunterstood as well, but we do not blame the producer to allow cheating, we blame them for not reposning to tickets and threads view cheating.