Crews Nostalgia Tour V
OSM: The game
@alvarorr_98 very good The Bulls
@alvarorr_98 hola
@edugabriel Hi mate this forum is for speak only english
in spanish for you understand me: (en este foro se habla inglés)
@alvarorr_98 Ok, do you speak Portuguese?
@edugabriel no only spanish and english. if you want to speak me speak for the chat. This topic is for the crews nostalgia tour
I still in second position. If I will lost the last match, I put in third position. A good league
@alvarorr_98 I guess you have not lost the last game
I hope to win the final of this evening in the cup -
@Sultangazililer1 ahahah
@Sultangazililer1 You won it. Congratulations!!