OSM WC 2017 Edition
@IoanMaties said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
To take the points into account,a league must be started after 1 december and finshed after 14 or can be started early than 1 december and finished after 14?If league starts before 1st December and ends after 14 December, it will be taken into account!
If league starts before 1st December, ends after 14 December, but you only played 13 matches on that league, it won't be taken into account, as well as all other leagues where managers played less than 14 matches!
Good news.
But, i have a question.
If i started the league before 1 December and ends before 14 December, on 8 December, points will be taken into account ???
A league from day 1 till the end. -
@SpecialOne said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
Hey bosses, OSM World Championship is back with it's 2017 edition!
What is OSM World Championship?
OSM World Championship is an official event organized by the OSM staff for the outstanding managers in this game, based on the total number of manager points they earned during a set period. No cheaters or managers with forum bans will be allowed to join the competition and play in it, whether they were found guilty during the qualification period, after it, or during the World Championship itself.
2017 Edition of OSM WC will be played in same format as 2016 edition:
192 managers (including winners of past 3 editions that won't need to qualify for it)
3 rounds
- Round 1: 16 leagues of 12 managers each ยป Top 3 managers from each league go through to Round 2
- Round 2: 4 leagues of 12 managers each ยป Top 3 managers from each league go through to Round 3
- Round 3: 1 league of 12 managers ยป The winner of the league is the OSM World Champion 2017.
Special Leagues for each round (No BCs compensation, No training camps, No Secret trainings neither transfers. Remaining features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round)
What changes on this year Edition?
Only leagues with a minimum of 14 matches played on it will be taken into account
Qualification period will be between 1st December and 31st May, but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account
We'll be doing random checks on managers that are on TOP 500 on this period, so if you're thinking on take a short cut to qualify, think twice.
Starting date: Not yet defined, but should be early July 2017!
@Lucas-Pereira-LP said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
@SpecialOne .
Wonderful! Managers can to start the battle of one place from 192.
But, I have a similar question, buddy.
For my example, a lot of managers like me, like to play long league. If I started the league before 1 December (ex.19th October) and ends before 14 December (ex.7th December), points will be taken into account? I think, this a very important issue.This should be clearly and specifically to explained. Before it was more simple rule: all points between 1st December 2015 and 31st May byลy brane were taken into consideration for qualification. -
@SpecialOne GREAT
Nice work!
This restriction, however, is very bad.
"but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account"Some managers will be favored, others at a disadvantage.
The length of the qualifying period, it may end up missing the counting demand that the league has fallen behind. -
Your points won't be taken into account.
You must finish your league after 14th december.
But you must play minimum 14 rounds in one league. For example if you entered England league on 10th decmber in round 37 and you play only 5 matches and finish on 15th december this points won't be taken into account. -
@chypy20 said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
Nice work!
This restriction, however, is very bad.
"but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account"Some managers will be favored, others at a disadvantage.
The length of the qualifying period, it may end up missing the counting demand that the league has fallen behind.Exactly, I agree with you. But what we can do? Nothing. We must only accept this strange rules.
If I play more then 14 matches and the league finish after 14 December will count the mps
@Dovco_HandF said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
@chypy20 said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
Nice work!
This restriction, however, is very bad.
"but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account"Some managers will be favored, others at a disadvantage.
The length of the qualifying period, it may end up missing the counting demand that the league has fallen behind.Exactly, I agree with you. But what we can do? Nothing. We must only accept this strange rules.
What is strange there?
Nobody could know when the qualification period will start, so we all are in same position.
The qualifications could start on the 21. november, 15. december, 7.january or 8. march, what would be the difference? Nobod could make a plan when his leagues will finish or not, so we can not speak about ''favored'' managers or ''disatvantage''.
I spent 70% of my boss coins for last leagues because I thougt the qually period will be from 1.6 - 31.12. and what now?
Only becasue your leagues will finish few days before 14th december that not means the rules are strange... -
@Dovco_HandF said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
@chypy20 said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
Nice work!
This restriction, however, is very bad.
"but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account"Some managers will be favored, others at a disadvantage.
The length of the qualifying period, it may end up missing the counting demand that the league has fallen behind.Exactly, I agree with you. But what we can do? Nothing. We must only accept this strange rules.
Unfortunately, I do not know. -
@MenagerBL said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
@Dovco_HandF said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
@chypy20 said in OSM WC 2017 Edition:
Only becasue your leagues will finish few days before 14th december that not means the rules are strange...
It is not at all about me but of many managers in the same situation as me.
Why can not it be like always, from December 1, from 1 January or 1 February all counted of manager points? Only some strange restrictions. The game must be simple, clear and legible rules for all. Terribly sorry but at this moment it isn't.:man_in_tuxedo_tone1: -
To be honest. Rules are simple, clear and legible. So I don't really get your point.As always there are managers that dislike the date of the qualification period, because their leagues end shortly before qualification period starts. Doesn't matter if you take November 1, December 1 or any other date.
@SpecialOne nice
@Luls-L You're right, buddy. Time to prepare for the fun points.:clap_tone1:
I just don't understand one thing: why again we have some changes in the rules? Really can't be the same rules every time as it used to every year? -
@Dovco_HandF nice
hello i like it
@Pau49Js Good luck, buddy
Oh,December 13 is last game of my league.