[Crews] Centralised: Change Crew Name
@hespera and is there a possibility that there is an exception for a good reason and the group changes its name?
@jorgecasla Yes, it's possible to request it through us.
If needed tell us a good reason why, new crew name, keep in mind that crew name must be unique and not against our osm terms of use.Then GB will check things out and decide to approve the change or not.
@hespera the request to change the name of the group and the reasons to whom we should request them in this forum topic, by private message from osm or in a special forum topic. thank you very much
@jorgecasla We will leave this open, so you can put the request in here.
@hespera Name of the group: Pomelos
New name requested: Templarios
Reason: all the members of the group were in galacticos, but we had a problem with the creator of the galacticos group and we had to leave all. Since we were playing many competitions (wcc, lhb, chapecoense), we had to create the fast group so that all the members could enter quickly and play with this new group and not be disqualified.
We put name Pomelos to the group thinking that it could be changed, when all the members entered we looked for a name that represents us: Templars. when the moderator wanted to change it, we discovered that it could not be done. -
@jorgecasla I've forwarded you're request now.
@jorgecasla That name has been denied, since there's already a group with that name.
@hespera We have already decided the new name of the group: Revenants, and we verify that it is available to not make the same mistake as yesterday
Name of the group: Pomelos
New name requested: Revenants -
@jorgecasla As you've probably already noticed it has been accepted and changed already.
@hespera thanks
Name of the group: Futboleros Galácticos
New name requested: Revenant´s Academy
Reason: The reason is simple, after being the quarry of the group Galactic and into the problem that they had with his creator of the group we have decided to change the name of the group again but at the moment of doing it already one could not, at the time our idea is to be the quarry again but of now group Revenants is because of it our idea of the change of the name -
@ferchohdez Unfortunately this time the crew name change has been rejected.
@Hespera What is the reason that has been rejected?
@ferchohdez As already stated earlier, we want that crew names be unique like manager names. When this change was implemented, we gave some time for users to adjust and we accepted some requests to change.
Now we'll be changing names only in two situations:- Old crews with names longer than the actual size and full name not visible
- Crews with names that go against OSM terms
We may open exceptions once in a while, but depends on the reason. Name change just because you want to be easily identified as an academy is not a valid reason for us!
Name of the group: Futboleros Galácticos
New name requested: Revenant's Brotherhood
Reason: After being the quarry of the Galactic group, we decided to separate by the mismanagement and little understanding we had with the leader of the group. Unfortunately at the time of separating, the game was updated and the system prevented us from changing the name manually. Now we want to call us * "Revenant's Brotherhood" *, because we have a very big friendship with the administrators of the group "Revenants". We want to work together, but for us it is necessary to change the name. We ask that you discuss our request and receive a Yes at our request.
A greeting and a big hug from our party.
-FerchoHdez, Coleader of the group -
@Hespera I wait your answer
@ferchohdez Read the awnser that I've posted before, that should be clear enough.
Request to change the name of the group
Name of the group: Argentinos al Mango ( AAM )
New name requested : KINGDOM : New Age Of Warriors ( K-NAW ) "We saw that now the acronyms are limited to only 3, so if you can, as before, we could only be left alone ( NAW )
Reason : In December of last year we decided to change the name of the group, after the desicion of many changes in the group. When the group was created, the idea was only to recruit players of our nationality (Argentina) and so at that time the name of Argentinos al Mango was decided, it turns out that one of the changes that we decided was to open ourselves to all the coaches who wish to be part of our group regardless of their nationality, of course after a trial period and see if it performs within the group. For this reason and to be able to have coaches of various nationalities, as it does not pay to continue with the same group name that we currently have and for which many groups and coaches identify us. The problem was that when we decided to change the name, it had already passed a few days of the update that the web had in December and we could not, A pity, because we had already prepared a video presentation with the new name, we think that later with a new update they would re-enable it, until we found out that we could require the name change here. Thank you in advance and we await your response.
Request to change the Name of the group
Name of the group: Champions Manager Soccer Club (MSC)
Name Requested: Campeones Hispanos (CH)
Reason: When Champions Manager Soccer Club was created, we had no objective as a crew, we did not knew anything about crews and I put this name because It was "fine". I did not asked members for a good name, then as we learned about crews we began to think in a new name, but when we finally decided to change the name, few days ago there was an update and the option to change the name was removed, "Campeones Hispanos" means "Hispanics Champions" and this name shows all our ambitions... To be the best crew with Hispanics persons, we want to unify our crew under a name that all us are proud to represent. It is very important for us, I hope we can change it. -
@apokalipsisnew @mlombeida Did you guys read my post on the first page?
Because then you would know that both of the requests have not a valid reason for the name change.