Crews Nostalgia Tour V
Respect for labor for everyone ..
#Respect of crew The Best of Turkey:clap_tone1: :flag_tr:
Cup final week, good luck my dear friend F.S.M.0.13 -
@republic_cc53 Thank you my dear friend
@F.S.M.0.13 Good Luck mate!
Yes! The cup is for my partner the great @none-bonita. Great match of the two managers!
@alvarorr_98 thank you alvaro. Great final. .. The final for The Bulls youngs horns
Nostalgia Cup Winner @none-bonita Congratz
We came the last day of the tournament . Thank you to everyone for their efforts and outstanding achievement. It was a beautiful and enjoyable tournament.We are close to the end
Who will be the winner of the tournament ?
Fenerbahce SK ? or The Best Of Turkey ?
Will be announced tonight
Congratulations The Best of Turkey
I present my endless thanks to all the crews that have entered the priorities. Very beautiful and intriguing challenges emerged.
The Winner of the Tournament is Champion The Best of Turkey :flag_tr:
2nd place is the other Turkish crew Fenerbahçe SK :flag_tr:
3rd place team is The BULLS :flag_es:- See you soon at the Crews Nostalgia Tour VI
Congratulations to The best of Turkey
@alvarorr_98 Thanks mate, The Bulls 2 crews came to the finals, good success!
@mrtgll33 Congratulations The Best of Turkey @F-S-M-0-13
Congratulations to all the squadrons who struggled with the passing of labor, congratulations separately from Fenerbahçe SK crew.
@F.S.M.0.13 Congratulations The Best of Turkey
@mrtgll33 :flag_tr: