Which communities get coins as prizes in their official tournaments?
@nando34 Extract what?
Your message does not correspond to anything I said before. In fact, I was writing a pm to you. I havent accussed you of anything yet.
I am asking. I have doubts and I am just enquiring. I havent accused anyone yet of anything. That is not the point of this post.
Thank you
@rafael-1974 said in Which communities get coins as prizes in their official tournaments?:
I know that the National Italian Championship has got prizes for the top 3 winners. I would like to know if it also happens in other OSM communities as well.
I think that in some Gamebasics tournaments, those who create the leagues get their coins refunded once the leagues begin.
I am pretty interested in getting this information because I see a difference in the way Gamebasics treats us, its customers.
Moreover, please dont close the topic because I have some more questions to ask about this topic.
Thank you in advance
I think that the right answer to your questions has already been given by @Robbiebb_NL a few posts above. It is the CM of each community who can request prizes for their domestic competitions and then GB will consider whether the proposal is feasible or not, and will decide to accept or refuse the request accordingly.
So, I do not think that GameBasics treat different users in a different way, as you say. GB do not normally interfere with the domestic competitions organised by each community, so I think it is unfair of you to blame them for something they do not take part in.
I do not know if every CM of every community has ever requested prizes to GB. I guess some of them have done in the past, but it is more than likely that in many communities they never tried it, maybe because some them do not organise domestic competitions, or maybe just because the CMs themselves are not even aware of the existence of this opportunity to request free prizes!
@rafael-1974 said in Which communities get coins as prizes in their official tournaments?:
How long is it since GB creates those leagues?
Which competitions are held under GB rules?
How do managers get those coins as prizes? Do they get any personal codes to exchange them?I don't know the answer to all your questions, but I can tell from my own experience that this has been done in the Spanish Community in the past. I remember I played a competition myself back in July-August 2014, called 'Torneo de la Hispanidad' and free coins (in those days there were no 'coins' like the current ones, but we had those old 'premium day tickets') were given to the three who ended up on the top three places. I believe it was the Community Manager (P.Marchuet back on those days) who requested and arranged the prizes with GB, and tickets were added to the accounts of the winners.
I am not certain whether this only happened during the 'Torneo de la Hispanidad' or if it has happened in other events organised by the Spanish Community; as I said I can only talk about what I remember from my own experience.
@rafael-1974 said in Which communities get coins as prizes in their official tournaments?:
First of all, I asked the Hispanic Staff because It had struck me the difference between the Italian Community and the Hispanic Community. The answer was that they hadnt been allowed although they had already asked GB about it.
I am not aware you asked that to any member of the ES Staff or that they gave you such an answer.
Anyway, now that we know a bit more about this subject, I think all we can do is trying to explore this option and ask GB if our domestic competitions are eligible to get prizes or if they can at least create the leagues. Hopefully this thread will not result in too many people asking for prizes
@dwilson Thank you for your answer. It has been undoubtedly the fairest and most constructive of all the Hispanic and Spanish staff who have participated in this thread. The fact is that there is information you are unaware of which backs my statements.
What must be extracted from this thread is a unification in the way CMs work, once my questions have unveiled a reality far from being the best for managers all over OSM. Fairness and criteria unification must be the central working points for the CMs or for other members of the Staff, or even to GB itself, if I am allowed to say so.
It is a tree with many branches and leaves. Thus, not all information has run with the same speed everywhere, creating unequalness and unfair situations for managers in some Communities in comparison to others. This is something that must be solved immediately, eliminating those members, in case there were, for their conscious wrecklessness.
I dont mean to be rude but with a new situation emerging from this humble thread we all will enjoy a far better OSM.
Lafuens Spanish Usersreplied to DWilson on 13 Jul 2018, 22:45 last edited by Lafuens 13 Jul 2018, 22:46
@dwilson said in Which communities get coins as prizes in their official tournaments?:
I am not certain whether this only happened during the 'Torneo de la Hispanidad' or if it has happened in other events organised by the Spanish Community; as I said I can only talk about what I remember from my own experience.
I also remember a "Torneo de Navidad - Maestros" organised by the Spanish Staff, 2 or 3 years ago (can't remember that), where the best 3 received premium tickets.
@lafuens Thank you for your help. Thus, if this is something that already existed a few years ago it is something that should have been kept throughout the last few years in the Hispanic Community. However, it wasnt. I dont want to blame anyone for it but it seems there has been a lack of continuity in the way things were being done.
This thread should help unify the criteria for prizes and conditions for all CMs. The Staff above them should keep an eye on the way they develop their tasks. It should be a call of attention to improve OSM conditions for all managers from all communities.
I must thank my beloved Italian group The Rebels' Yell for letting me discover more things from OSM and making me want to acquire a real world view of OSM in its different Communities. Very often, there is an endogamic vision of the game and it doesnt help see solutions taken or adopted in other Communities. After having a close view at all Forums I have realized that the right hand doesnt know what the left hand is doing. I dont know if you understand me, but we should bear in mind that there should be a closer contact amongst all international members of the World Staff and all the CMs. All CMs should be able to get information from all World Staff and not just from one or two.
As far as I have seen, language should not be a barrier for communication. CMs should be able to communicate in English with all the Staff sbove them. Otherwise, this might lead to misinformation, unequality, unfairness and, eventually, chaos, as this thread has proved.
I love this game more than any other. Not only have I tried to be helpful to the rest of managers, but also to OSM Staff at all levels and, eventually, to GAMEBASICS, which must show it is a reliable enterprise.
@rafael-1974 Are you not forgetting something?
It's a privilege to have teams that organize events for prizes, it's not an obligation.
They are all organized by volunteers of the teams, who put extra work in it next to their normal life and team tasks.If you would like to see an event with prices, just contact the CM from that team and they will see what can be done.
All of our CM's and above know perfectly what they are doing and how to lead their teams or how to run their tasks.
So what your doing here is making conclusions, but it's not based on facts.
@hespera Are you sure? If I were you I would not be so assertive. Who are you trying to defend and why? A conscious recklessness mustnt be allowed.
If my conclusions disturb you, you should first ask the evidences that prove my conclusions.
@rafael-1974 Yes, I'm sure about that.
Don't need to defend anybody it's just a fact.
So what are we going to do here, this topic has been kept open to see somekind of disusscion.
If you only going to use it to doubt any of our officials from our teams then there's no point in leaving this topic open. -
Is this the way you act? Are you threatening me?
This thread has been opened for a few days just to make information arise. More information should arise as well in the next few days so there is no point in closing it. There are still many questions without answers so dont act in such a way because it means that as @DWilson said this thread must be taken seriously by all of us as a way to learn from everybody's mistakes and as a way to prevent many other questions from being done.
@Hespera I don't doubt from them. You act in an extremely defensive way. When people act like that is because they hide something. What are you afraid of? Information is necessary and veiling part of the game only leads to obscurantism.
When I opened the thread I wanted to get answers to my questions. Not all my questions have been answered. I don't know what you are afraid of. This thread has turned into an intetesting debate and has revealed strange situations.
How long is it since OSM gives coins as prizes, for example?
How can it be done so that all Communities implement this system?
How is it that you, who now knows it, doesnt use it? Why isnt there an English National Championship? One post before asked for it, for example.
Thank you
@rafael-1974 Your the one who is offensive, if you have questions you can just ask them instead of going the wrong way by going after any of our team members.
This is something that is there for several years already, a view competitions a year can have prices, so there is a limit to them.
It's not possible that all communities implement this system, since we are not obligated to do so.
Yeah I know about it, but I'm staff, not CM and those are the once who handle that stuff.
We are simply to busy with personal life,osm tasks etc and if you organize such an event it must be done good or otherwise it's better not to organize it at all.
I've mentiont it before we are all volunteers, and that kind of events costs a lot of extra time to organize.
@Hespera touched the right point: personal life, osm tasks etc
@rafael-1974 i answer you because i've seen the effort made Italian FMs who's organizing Italian Championship, i think this is the real reason because of there aren't a lot of Official Tournaments in OSM. I guarantee you that is very challenging to organize such a tournament, first of all the Team have to be very joined, without internal stuffs. Then must have a lot of free time to help in the organization and finally they have to be very patient because you can bet that OSM players want only to play, and they want the meal ready
It's really nice to see how much our community appreciates the effort that the ones from them spend their time helping them enjoying OSM....
When this topic was created I (yes, I saw it since day 1) allowed it to stay open, because I wanted to have an idea how community feels about it, but looking back now, I think that it should have been shut down from start.
I'm gonna do it now, but before I'm going to provide some info!
As you all know, OSM is split in several communities (14 if we include the English/International one). Every community has it's own Support team, managed by volunteers. Those volunteers, help OSM providing support to our users on their native language and also on keep community active by organizing competitions, forum activities... etc.
It's not manadatory that they do all this. Every community may decide on what to do based on the feedback they get from community and on the availability they have to coordinate those events.Prize events, need permission from Gamebasics. For those prize events, Community Managers have to present the whole draft of the event aswel as the 'royalties' they are requesting (free leagues, BC prizes). Those events have to meet some criteria, if they don't meet the criteria, they are rejected.
Instead of complaint about everything, undermine the work that Support members do to provide you guys the best OSM experience possible, why don't you join them and try to help them? After being there and know how much work is needed and how mentality strong these support members have to be to listen these non-sense comments after spend several hours 'working' for them.... After all that, then you'll be entitled to criticise, because you've proven that you're able to do it better, but I'm pretty sure that after go through all this, you'll never think on criticise their work again!
This being said, have fun, help your community support members (and all other teams) and make their life easier!