Just bought Totti for last game against Alliance on 10DB. Lets see if it will help
@TheBestManagerNL said in Promotions/Campaigns:
And let me add that it hurts me to say things like this. I know I have been negative about the game recently, but this is because I am genuinely concerned about the direction this game is going into.
worthy of your posture, I believe that it is the opinion of the majority who has been in this game for the longest time, it is an event created basically for those who play for less time who only participate in app battles and open leagues, devaluing those who play the longest, not even it is valid for forum competitions, I understand that GB values money and that is not wrong, but it is very sad to see that old players are devalued to that extent!
Only noobs that will pay 100coins for a normal player, any day there are no players.
Congratulations to GB, double coin events where you can't even see the videos or even on the PC and now this is to be congratulated
You can pick up 6 players in the scout of +90 and still have 10 coins for a training field.... -
To be honest I don't understand the complaining. OSM is not a charity, they need money to operate, like every other thing in the world.
If some people want to spend BCs to have a legend in their team, why is that anyone else's business?
You can play this game for free if you want. Just wait until next weekend for another event, what's the problem?
As it is not a charity, it has and must satisfy the players so that they continue to play and put the money monthly to buy a pack of coins. -
Ja, that's how a business works, if they lose money on something they stop doing it, if they make money, they continue doing it.Why do people have a problem with other players spending BCs on this if they want to? It's like complaining that you want a Ferrari but they're too expensive, so Ferrari need to lower their prices; then getting angry at every person you see driving one.
If you can't or don't want to pay for something...that's life! Enjoy the free game, guys!
So you're basically saying that game companies are allowed to be greedy whenever they want to. Allright, if thats the thing you like, enjoy your videogames in a few years.
I will not enter a cycle of hatred (in quotes)
You can still play this game perfectly well for free. If some people want to pay ~ €1 to buy a legendary player, why not?
Do you guys realise the people buying BCs and spending them on things like this is what keeps this game alive?
If you don't like it, just wait til next weekend's event.
Because it is not in balance with the rest of the game, it is not that difficult to follow. It can lead to an advantage for some managers, something which isnt very desirable. And you can believe me on the fact they earn more than enough money, they don't "need" to make this 100BC. Im into game design myself, and my philosophy is to make game features accessible for preferably all people. Making a legend 100BC is not accessible.
I have never seen so many negative reactions on a weekend event. I think there is only one thing GB can do and that's apologize here in this topic and remove this weekend event forever.
@Majstor-Matt didn't help at all mate
lost the game but won the battle anyway.
Father and son!!
@André2020xD but father younger than son
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