[Official Topic] - Tactics Request
@The_Maczmann Thank you. We ended up drawing on goals and on stats
@Nnarberal what is SOS?
Shoot on sight, when your strikers take many shots from many positions
What is the best way to beat a 4-3-3B Passing Game, zonal and no offside? My opponent has a slightly better team than me. -
Does it differ if we use a CB over a LB/RB or vice versa or its the same??
@The_Maczmann What can I use to shoot 4-2-3-1 suddenly? I am superior to my rival
Hi, my team costs more than the opponent one, he uses 343A with tiki, outside trap on and zonal, how can I beat him?
Hello. I need a tactic to beat a 4-2-3-1 or a 4-5-1.
Our teams are very similar, but except for the goalkeeper I am a little better in all the areas.
I use to play in a 4-3-3B or A (it depends) and he usually uses one of those tactics (4-2-3-1 or 4-5-1) to beat other teams that use my tactic.
Could you help me giving me a good tactic and slide definitions?
Hi there, My squad value is 700, my opponent has 800. Match is at his stadium which is level 3 so i dont have high of a chance if i play offensive. He plays 4 3 3 a with zonal no offside. I usually play 4 3 3 b so the problem is im lacking good midfielders for a defensive tactic. I got 3 forwards at 105+, 3 midfielders at 100+ then the rest are around 85, 4 defenders at 95+. My question is should i still go for a 4 3 3 as usual and try my chances or give 4 5 1 etc. a shot despite my other midfielders and defenders being around 85?
Hey guys, how to counter 433B PG man marking with offside? My team value is lower.
The_Maczmann Indonesian Usersreplied to Daniking_NL on 20 Apr 2020, 02:35 last edited by The_Maczmann 20 Apr 2020, 02:37
you can using 451 SOS to beat 433B
@tomy-blanco_1 What formations your opponents use?
To defeat 4231 or 451, u can use 523A counter attacks
• Midfielder helps defender
• Marking Zone
• No offside trap
• Pressing : 53
• Style : 32
• Tempo : 68 -
Ok, i try this tactic
@The_Maczmann even If my team is better than his? I should maintain those slide definitions?
Zugravu.Cosmin English Userswrote on 20 Apr 2020, 14:02 last edited by Zugravu.Cosmin 20 Apr 2020, 14:03
Hello everyone, I am requesting help from experienced players only (+5 years experience or 85%+ winning procent).
It seems to me that 5311 (counter-attack) tactics is pretty hard to defeat even with stronger teams. I tried 433b passing game/wing play, 343b and 343a passing and wing and even 442b passing and wing and still strugling to not lose (i tried 451 and 4231 with shoot on sight and didn't work).Soooo i was wandering what tactic do you recommend against teams which play with 5 defenders on counter attack.
BTW: I know there is no best tactic or formation but i am looking for the most efficent one from your experience (so far the best results i had were with 433b with shoot on sight and 451 with shoot on sight).
Thx in advance for sharing your ideas.
@Mister-Policarpo If your team is better than your opponent, you can beat 4231 with 442b PG. But for safer use 523A
@Zugravu-Cosmin 4231 This is the right choice to defeat a formation that uses 5 defenders such as the 541, 5311, 532 and many more. But this formation is not easy to use because we have to have productive midfielders.
There is one more formation that in my opinion can match the formation with 5 defenders, which is 442B PG. First of all, you must have a quality player for this tactic to work well. This can defeat 5311, 523A, 631 and more. -
I play against 451 SOS
I have a slightly better team.
How do i counter this?