OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
Mr Haad Adil Khan English Userswrote on 3 Jul 2020, 11:05 last edited by Mr Haad Adil Khan 3 Jul 2020, 11:09
I think that you should actually see the players play in the simulation. If not I think if you are on the game you should make the subs and these sort of things. And if not the suggestions I said at least commentary in the PC Version. If you think any of these suggestions are great please upvote this post.
@amir-h-b-80 the changing clothes thing is cool and changing name lol nice
Hi everyone ,
İ have a idea for crew batle system.
We could choose to our oppement level. For example ;
İf i create new crew and start to battles. My crew should choose battle with top level crews .
Why we should choose oppement level?
Because many old and famous crews want to come back to OSM but low levels are so boring and easy. Many oppenent resign in the middle of battle.
And many good crews are play with low levels crew. And they spend many boring time for level-up.How this system working?
This system work with diferent pointing.
For example;
İf my crew is first class crew and we play with third level crew.
İf we win this battle we have 80 points ( 100-2 level x 10points=80 points)
İf my oppenent win . They have 120 points ( 100+2x10=120 points )What are these system advantage?
1- More players
2-Free play confortable
3- More good crew who is really good in top levels.
4- More variation battle
5- New players have more experience when play with better crews.We can discuss this system
Thank you -
Hello everyone,
this is my first post here, but I wanted to contribute with some (possibly terrible) ideas I've come up with after playing this game for a little while. I'm sure some of these won't be new, but I'd still like to hear your toughts on them:-Salaries: after roughly 4 in-game weeks (4 days?), players would need to get paid. This would take away finance from teams, especially the stronger ones. It would make the amount of players in a squad matter, as well as adding more value to the training, as you would rather get a cheaper player and train it, rather than buy stronger ones and having to systematically have to pay them more because of the high salary. It would also encourage my second idea:
-Lending players: I'm sure some have had this idea before. It would help out smaller teams with rotation and bigger teams with extra money influx. Also, if the following idea was added, it would make even more sense for teams to accept lending their players:
-Training from matches: not a new idea either, but it would make even more sense to have it if lending players was allowed. It would encourage teams to have their players temporarily go to other teams to improve them, instead of just keeping them on the bench.
-Bids on the transfer lists/scouted players: the idea of having teams actually bid against each other for players, rather than it be a simple race to press the buy button, would make the transfers way more interesting (as well as a bit more similar to reality). I think this could possibly work with scouts as well: after a player is scouted, there could be a window of time where every team could bid on them before the actual sale ends. This could make using scouts less ideal than it is right now, but they would still be very used in my opinion, as if a (type of) player you want in your team is not present on the transfer list, you'd still have no other choice but to use the scout.
-Linked leagues: Having multiple leagues share the same transfer list could be a great alternative to having the AI randomly selling and buying players off teams. Managers would be encouraged to try sell their players at a fairer price to compete in the market, and would make training even weaker players (which are usually ignored) to then sell them a viable strategy. It would also have a more active and realistic transfer list, without necessarily having the engine do nearly any work at all.
-Trade players: this is simple; adding the option of paying with players instead/in addition of cash when making/receiving offers from other teams. Just a more fun way to interact with other managers and strategise.
-Data analyst to give out less info: as of right now, it is often crucial for us to assign our tactics at the latest possible moment. The data analyst gives away so much info that it often makes it easy for our opponent to counter us (or vice versa). I propose a (optional, maybe?) cut on the information given by the data analyst, so to reduce the disadvantage the person who imputs their tactics first has. Instead, I would add an advantageous bonus for teams that play the same tactics over and over again (as to emulate the fact that players get better at using a certain strategy over time). The more they play it, the better they get at it. The data analyst could then give us information about tactics played in previous matches, and it would be up to us to determine whether the opponent would stick with a certain tactic, or give up their bonus to try something else completely.
Some of these ideas are more outrageous than others I suppose, and some could have a greater impact on how the game is played. But what do you guys think?
@Gami00 hell yea!!!! Everyone up vote this post!!! Awesome ideas, but may take time to implement them as it requires a lot of thinking and planning so tht cheaters dont find loop holes in this method. Very good idea. I have exhausted my daily up votes, so will do it tomorrow. Anyways very nice idea. Ppl upvote this
@Gami00 @Lakshay-Ahluwalia yeah this is awesome
Some great ideas but have you banged your head against a brick wall before -
@SUPERNOVA-8 pls can't osm chat box be a little like whatsapp pls change the feature in the chat box and put a different feature and also watching of game pls can we not see the way our team is playing so we be they one to change formation and analyse our team and wat to change becauseit not fear the game choose our scores
Hey , there's something wrong in battle system about battles with no winners ( I mean equal battles like 68-68) . at these moments , I think there is no justice for the winner/defeated system , because you act like normal battles . I think it might be better if you decrease 50 points from defeated crew . 100 isn't fair for 2 or 3 more scored goals
Regards:) -
Give us the possibility of removing the spy feature when creating a private league.
I've stopped playing this game because it's too frustrating to see that people change their tactics 5 minutes before a game when I only have access to my team in the morning... Give us at least the opportunity to play casually with some friends then...
Plus it's unrealistic... Nobody can spy on the other team before every a game, they always have closed training in RL...
Lol what? xD
Okay so this is utterly annoying, I have couple managers that are sending me league invitations non-stop no matter how many time I decline them. And that would be completelly fine If I had empty slot, but my slots are all occupied so I cannot join even if I want to... SO please try to find a soluton for such problems.. either give us an option to ban certain people from sending league invitations or make somehow a feature that will block people from sending out invitations to people that have all slots occupied...
If you are gonna say, just ignore them.. yeah that would not be a problem If I didnt have that exlamation mark constantly lighting up next to my name and not knowing If I have a message in my inbox or another annoying invite for a league I cannot join because I do not have free account.
Matt -
I wanna offer you something to make it more pleasant than now , you can add friendly battles between crews ( battles which don't increase or decrease the points of a crew)
@Majstor-Matt do not agree at all with the option to block the invitations, if not all the leagues remain empty, this would lead to an increase in the falsified leagues always playing with the same managers, or as a newly registered manager would do to play with other managers more strong (remember that not everyone is like you bored by invitations), some like to be invited because they don't want to look for strong leagues and prefer invitations, and it may be that from an invitation your group or league becomes more attractive and more important, remember that from an invitation a friendship in OSM can be born, I agree with that of not being able to invite if all the slots are occupied
Majstor Mattreplied to roni meda on 11 Jul 2020, 16:47 last edited by Majstor Matt 11 Jul 2020, 16:47
@roni-meda I did not mean to block all invitations, but to give to me (a manager) option to block certain other manager that is constantly sending private messages and league invitations to me even though I do not have free slot.
Invitations on its own are a great thing, I agree, and I love to use them a lot. But If someone is using them simply to annoy you even though you declined 10 invitations in 1 day, then we have a big problem with them.
Hello to everybody,
I don’t know if im adressing this in the right place, if not im sorry guy’s,
anyway i wanted to adress a “problem” i have been experiencing lately really often,
I have been dominating most of the games, but again in the end its either a tie, or i lose the match, even why i have been keeping the ball like 60+ %, and having like 8-9-10 shoots per game, the opponent with 2-3 shoots is able to get a positive result,
This is not happening in every possible match, but when it comes to crew battles, let’s say 70 % of the time, it happens as stipulated above,I have been following football since i was a kid, and i understand the counter attack ideology, and it would be acceptable if i was playing very offensive, let’s say 433 with 60+ mentallity, but cmon guys, i have been playing 451 with defensive mentality since forever, and quite simply i can’t understand it, how on earth the opponent with 2 shoots can beat me??! Or better said, why so often???!
I can put screenshots here of my last 6 games of the battle, apart from the last one, i have been dominating every single one of them, and the results are terrible
As i said this is not happening every single game, but trust me, personally i had this experience like 30-40 times in these last months
Its boring, it makes me sad, and it makes me think that to achieve a positive result, u have to be weaker tacticallyThere are some questions in my mind that if somebody would be kind to answer, it would make me happy
Is this a bug on server?
Is this something that will stop happening in the future?And the funniest one, what can i do better next time
Thank you in advance
RainMaKeR13 English Usersreplied to Real B1 on 12 Jul 2020, 20:08 last edited by RainMaKeR13 12 Jul 2020, 20:10
@Real-B1 Keeping the ball is not proving to win the game which means every team has got a chance to get positive results. Some big teams are struggling to win some games even though they get a higher percentage of possession than their opponent no matter what their squad values are. If there are no surprises in soccer than they don't have to play games against the teams that are not on their level. Have you watched the Celtic-Barcelona game in 2012-2013? Barcelona incredibly led the game in every angle like %89 possession, 955 passes over 100, and 23 shots on target. However, the result was 2-1 (spoiler alert). Look at also Arsenal and Tottenham. They have been also leading the games but can't get positive results. They also have got world-class offensive players but can't get a single point against lower teams in this season. This is what reality comes in. For your questions, this is not a bug, what should it be? , play friendlies more efficiently.
Yeah bro;I see no senses in this game in results, it's so weird when you see the result!!!