The Eagles Cup
Good inside the game still did not give 24 hours after the creation, yet still in the 1 day of preparation. -
Just in the light of everything that is successful leave this tournament, be it quei bravi ragazzi and giovani bravi ragazzi
good fun -
Organization of the tournament equal to the kindergartens.
@ArmidoCario said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
@Dovco_HandF @ÖzilN98
22 vs 67, Phantoms of the Cannibals vs PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ
PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ has violated the Eagles Cup transfer rule (no transfer on the preparation day). The penalty is -50 points for each violation. PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ have made 7 violations: in all, we ask for -350 penalty points. I will also post the request to the PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ captain. By participating in the tournament, the crews implicitly accept the rules and the rules don't allow exceptions. Therefore, I invite you to accept our request.
ArmidoCario, captain of Phantoms of Cannibals.@Dovco_HandF @ÖzilN98 Here is the screenshot that it certifies the violation by PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ. We ask that our opponents be penalized by -350 points. We will be firm and unmovable.
hi I and nacao brasil captain after a dialogue solve the problem
we decide no penalties and the suspenscion of selling players only for a day by my crew
@ArmidoCario said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
@Dovco_HandF @ÖzilN98
22 vs 67, Phantoms of the Cannibals vs PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ
PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ has violated the Eagles Cup transfer rule (no transfer on the preparation day). The penalty is -50 points for each violation. PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ have made 7 violations: in all, we ask for -350 penalty points. I will also post the request to the PïrätëĊʀἔᾧ captain. By participating in the tournament, the crews implicitly accept the rules and the rules don't allow exceptions. Therefore, I invite you to accept our request.
ArmidoCario, captain of Phantoms of Cannibals.Of course, -350 points :ok.
@francy14fc said in The Eagles Cup 2016:hi I and nacao brasil captain after a dialogue solve the problem
we decide no penalties and the suspenscion of selling players only for a day by my crewYou show that fair play is still alive :clap_tone1:.
what is the problem? There are clear rules that everyone must observe. There is a clear penal system for violating these rules. The team can make a concession and reduce the penalty for another team that violated the rule - but this is only their own business. If they are against - you need to respect their decision and charge the maximum penalty. They are not to blame for the fact that their rival agreed to the rules without even reading them.
The clan agreed to reduce the fine to 600 points. They acted very nobly, having done this.
The guilty clan, instead of accepting 1,350 penalty points, began to demand a reduction in points and did not agree even to 600? Are you seriously?Here everything is obvious. Or take 600 points and say thank you to your opponents, or take 1350 points and get angry on yourself.
Hereby OSM Striker Ultras want to clarify our decision to forfeit our battle against the RED SKULL ACADEMY.
Our opponent has violated the rule: “no transfers in the 1st preparation day – Every transfer: -50 points” 31(!) times (86.53 mil). We warned them multiple times but they kept selling players. Because of that we demanded a penalty of 1550 points.
The organiser of the event ( @Dovco_HandF) change his own rules more than 15 hours after the tournament started to “for the good of the tournament I am announcing that the maximum penalty for 10 transfers and more, made on the first day of preparation can not be more than -500 points for all transfers”.
Of course we didn’t accept this change of ruling. Firstly because it’s just unacceptable to change rules when the tournament already started and more importantly because our opponent continued to sell players (and violated the rules) even after we warned them. They even responded, but still kept selling players. Why on earth should we at that point help them for 1050 points.We communicated multiple times with @Dovco_HandF but he kept referring to his second rule. He even said (and I quote): “......-500 points or spend boss coins and make transfers like your opponent. Simple”, implying that we also should violate his own(!!!) rules.
A also asked him to reply on my question in this topic but he only answered: "Good luck!"
It’s a really pity we have to end this tournament this way. Never thought a tournament organiser would betray his own rules to keep the battles ‘interesting’. And because of that he harmed the teams that read and followed the rules.
Best regards,
Captain of OSM Striker Ultras. -
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
Regarding the penalties, I wrote my position here:Pick the wrong team with the same goal will cost: -150 points.
Pick the wrong team with the diffrent goal will cost: -300 points.
Always captains can to do deal and they can communicate with each other. If you do not reach a consensus - will be apply look penalty system above.Every mistake must be reported in this forum topic!
All reported penalties, must be accompanied by proof (screen print).As usual in the first round there was a lot of confusion with the transfers, because not everyone read the tournament forum and the rules of the battle at The Eagles Cup 3.0 2017. Unfortunately many managers do not want to agree on penalties, they see the chance of a bonus of -1000 points at the start of battle.
For the good of the tournament I am announcing that the maximum penalty for 10 transfers and more, made on the first day of preparation can not be more than -500 points for all transfers. I request about communication between both crew captains fighting in battles, who have this problem to solve and to agree.
Please respect this decision. Thank you and enjoy!
@WaterhoenNL you can write to me an appeal. And I will examine them and give you a reply within 24 h. But she will be the same as my post published above, dearYou can also protest and leave the tournament if you want. This is your decision, I'm going to bed. Good night.
@Dovco_HandF said in The Eagles Cup 2016:
@Rafelmaz Yes, soon to be the rules for the 2nd round.
Why are you going to change them again? XD
I think that was because of word 'transfers'. Many managers thinked that we can't buy in 1st prep day, (e.g. me) but selling is allowed like in normal battles and that where that little misunderstanding came from. I think that next time everyone will be more inquisitive
Take counsel that you may avoid mistakes.
@WaterhoenNL you can write to me an appeal. And I will examine them and give you a reply within 24 h. But she will be the same as my post published above, dearYou can also protest and leave the tournament if you want. This is your decision, I'm going to bed. Good night.
I hope you are not implying that I haven’t appealed. Because (as you know) I have multiple times.
- I asked @Dovco_HandF permission to use his comments for my explanation.
Firstly around 14:00 and you answered: “Yes, I understood you. Soon will be messge about this event on the frum - anyway you win this battle in my opinion”.
After that you created your new rule. Of course I appealed again and you answered: “You don't akccept this situation, your opponent accept as well. -500 points for you is like a win before battle. Sorry, but I don;t understand you. No chance for good decision. Good for everybody.”
It’s just a fact it wasn’t good for everybody, only our opponent benefited by your newly created rule.After that I appealed again and you only repeated your previous statements. And implied we should also violate the rules: “...-500 points or spend boss coins and make transfers like your opponent. Simple.”
When I appealed again after this outrages comment and asked you to give an explanation on the forum you didn’t even bother and only answered: “Good luck!”
Merah Putih vs The GunnerHow toughness of the tournament committee, because the opponent or captain did not respond to our messages until 1x24 hours regarding the rules and penalty that occurred. And up to now 2 opposing managers still have not joined the League, if it is not serious please do not join tournament.
Rule is rule man, obey it or penalty will be given, there's no correlation between humanity or fair-play. All crews were registered by their manager in this (only)forum-threads, so they're assumed read & accept the terms/rules of this tournament.
For the sake of this tournament reputation, please stick to the rule. New rule should be affected forward, not backward.