★Star Cup★ - 1st Edition
NT vs Giant Arabs
Day (C) (PM)
Black Star x Premium OSM
G5Canarinho♧ (C)
G7Robynho Alves (PM)
Brasil United
G5ytorres70 (C)
G7The Rey 01
A small correction in the PM.
Strong's Brasil vs Dragones Latinos
G1 -> João Gabriel Cabral (C)
G3 -> Rafael Sterling 7
G5 -> jhorginny12
G7 -> LucaasOne
G9 -> ThiagoSkywalker (PM)G3 ->
Rafael Sterling 7 (PM)
G9 -> ThiagoSkywalker (PM)
Good, the league and to be created at what time?
On Thursday, the 19th, between 18:00 and 23:59 hours, OSM server time. We will play in the league of Hong Kong, and the coaches must choose the right team, according to the following draw:
The moderators of each league must follow the following template when creating the league:
Cup - YES
Club Fund Compensation - NO
Transfers - YES
Pre-season - YES
Timers - NOGreetings, Kevin Cristian !!
Go...Go Draco's...
An error in the battle against the League crew Masters Da bola due to send an invitation to a member of our staff outside entered the league and took two members of Taqmanm for the same goal
Friend nor did we create the league yet.
@Кевин-Кристиан Hello Kelvin ... Please correct me if I'm wrong !! The simulations start at 19:00 server time (in these days) , so if someone creates the league at 18:00, they will miss "one" of preparation day, I think so it would be good to review this point(creation league), after all, some people take these questions seriously andHello Kelvin ... correct me if I'm wrong !! The simulations start at 19:00 on the server, so if someone creates the league at 18:00 they will miss a day of preparation and taking into account that not everyone believes this tournament is experienced it would be good to review the schedule, after all, some people take these questions literally and in this way anyone can make a mistake.
ass:Ray-Ban -
@Sr-Ray-Draco text made by mobile with a small mistake, but I believe that everyone can to understand
On Thursday, January 19, between 19:00 and 23:59 hours, OSM server time. We will play in the league of Hong Kong, and the coaches must choose the right team, according to the following draw:
The moderators of each league must follow the following template when creating the league:
Name - 2° SC - 1/16 - Abbreviation Home Team x Abbreviation Away Team
League - Hong Kong
Cup - YES
Club Fund Compensation - NO
Transfers - YES
Pre-season - YES
Timers - NO
Training Camp - YES
Secret Training - YESThe Moderator should send an invitation to all League participants.
Nação Tupi and Stars United are classified for the next stage by W.O
Battle Moderators:
Battle 1 - W.O
Battle 2 - @petrovic6
Battle 3 - @Аllenatore
Battle 4 - @Petrons
Battle 5 - W.O
Battle 6 - @Uchiha-Madara13
Battle 7 - @lazio1
Battle 8 - @borynos
Battle 9 - @Pedro-Ancelotti
Battle 10 - @João-victor-queiróz
Battle 11 - @XRATED69
Battle 12 - @ThiagoSkywalker
Battle 13 - @alissonwwe
Battle 14 - @Pablosbaul
Battle 15 - @Robynho-Alves
Battle 16 - @Masterchief_92GENERAL RULES:
Based on Battlepedia and OSM Rules.
Transfers allowed from server 00h. (Subject to 50 points penalty)
Friendly game banned against members of the opposing group. (Subject to a penalty of 50 points for each friendly run)
Allowed 4 Training camps and 6 secret training sessions for each trainer in each battle. (Subject to a penalty of 250 points for each extra stage used)
Choose the wrong team. (Subject to a penalty of 250 points)I wish everyone a lot of luck !! If possible and if there is a penalty principle, communicate with the opposing captain in private so as not to disturb.
Greetings, Kevin Cristian !!
@Кевин-Кристиан Is this fair that the home team is better by more than 13 million than the away team?
@Wojtyn84 Oops !! Sorry, I had asked for a draw and that had come.
But to make it more balanced, make the exchange of goal 5.
It would be like the new draw:
Alpha Team:
Eastern Long Lions
South China
R & F Hong Kong
Lee & Man Rangers
Kwoon Chung SouthernBeta Team:
Tai Po
Yuen Long
Biu Chun Glory Sky -
League created
Invitations Sent -