Champions League 2017/18
Most group stage matches are so boring and predictable. Just let the top 6 countries + Turkey and Russia have their own league. Then we'll create a real champions league in which the champions of The Netherlands, Denmark, Croatia, Greece, Belgium, Schotland, Switzerland, Austria etc will participate. Both tournaments will be a lot more enjoyable than this one.
the teams that are going to win the champions league are real madrid or liverpool beacuse i am a big fan of both teams
@sir-varga-sándor le groupe C'est c'est du costaud je pense
Comment only in English.
@abubeker-nfl Would be quite impressive if Real Madrid wins it for the 3th time in a row and I definitely think they have a good chance, although I think PSG or perhaps Juventus will win this edition.
I'd expect Liverpool to finish second after Sevilla in their group and be eliminated in the first knock out round because I consider every expected group stage winner to be stronger.
Dani alves refuses cavani to take a freekick -
Great match, Dragons!!
FC PORTO! :blue_circle:
@manager00092 Brings back some memories
Liverpool FC @king-noel
@ncu-contagious Good luck.
I hope This season "the miracle of Istanbul" Coming back @king-noel
@ncu-contagious haha lets see aye
@ncu-contagious Who needs a miracle is my team Benfica!!!
@jorge-h68 my favoutite team Liverpool FC brother