Community/Global Non Official Events Advertisement
@wenger-wise said in Community/Global Non Official Events Advertisement:
@lfrbranca not sure if everything is ok with your logo
I'm really sorry I didn't even notice that symbol, I apologize to the whole community -
@wenger-wise I'm really sorry I didn't even notice that symbol, I apologize to the whole community
@dino-ligenza I'm really sorry I didn't even notice that symbol, I apologize to the whole community
Hello my friends,
"The perception of the unknown is the most fascinating of experiences. The man who does not have his eyes open to the mysterious will pass through life without seeing anything." - Albert Einstein
We´re back!
Let me present, our newest idea : Nations Cup U21!
The competition will have a different format than the Nations Cup 2021, consisting of 2 phases: qualifying and Final. Unlike the Nations Cup 2021, we will have registrations limited to 24 National teams U21.
In the qualifying phase, we will have a Nation vs Nation system, which will comprise 3 rounds, in groups of 4 teams, distributed by leagues of 8 teams, as shown in the image below.
As you can see, on the left column, we have the different goals (G1 G3 G5 and G7), and then we have the distribution of each manager from each National team, between League 1, League 2, League 3 and League 4. For example, imagine that Portugal U21 is NT A, the G1 manager will play in League 1, the G3 will play in League 2, the G5 will play in League 3, and the G7 will play in League 4. So with this distribution, there will never be 2 coaches from the same team in the same league, and therefore the terms of the OSM are fully respected, with no "collusion games". And the definition of Nation vs. Nation can be observed, in the way the coaches of the same objective are grouped in the same league, and the teams of the same group, face each other, round after round, until everyone has faced each other. For example, Group A : NT A vs NT B in round 1, NT C vs NT D in round 1, NT A vs NT C in round 2, NT B vs NT D in round 2, and finally NT A vs NT D in round 3, NT B vs NT C in round 3.
The Final of Nations Cup U21, will have the same format of Nations Cup 2021, but with only 12 National teams, this means that that the top 2 in each group will qualify for the Final. So we will have 4 leagues of 12 teams.
Nations Cup U21 Regulation, check it here
As we did, at Nations Cup 2021, we will have several rubrics, to create interactivity, not only among the participants of the competition, but in the community in general. The objective of this competition is to allow young coaches to continue to evolve in a highly competitive environment. And we will have a team to help and support you, just like the National coaches:
@Apocalipse4This team, will bring to the community, the updates of the competition and also the stats, always rigorously and always available to remove any doubts or problems that may arise during the competition. So we kindly, ask the official staff, to allow us to open an official topic, for this competition, here in the Crews Forum, and we are committed to keeping the Nations Cup brand rich and attractive for everyone! We are ready, to do a Q&A session to clarify any doubts. Therefore, we ask that you evaluate this proposal, and we are available, for any necessary clarification :
@SpecialOneNations Cup U21 Presentation
Believe in the Future!
NC staff -
@apocalipse4 Hi,
On Behalf of the English Community Management Team I am happy to inform you that your request for a forum topic for U21 Nations Cup 2021 is hereby authorised!
Feel free to create the topic on the Crew Forum Category and good luck with the tournament!
Hello my friends,
"Science, my boy, is made of mistakes, but of beneficial mistakes, since they lead little by little to the truth." - Jules Verne
On behalf, of Nations Cup staff, we thank the English Community Management Team, for this demonstration of confidence in our ability to organize this new competition, and we will try to give back to the community all the support that we have received. We will do everything we can to honor our commitment, and we wish everyone to have fun in this new adventure!
Tomorrow, we will open the official topic of the Nations Cup U21, and in addition to publishing all the details of the competition, we will have a Q&A session to clarify all doubts.
Once again, thank you English Community Management Team :@Hespera
@SpecialOneAnd the NC staff, will support and help, all the National teams in the competition, it's composed by :
@Apocalipse4Nations Cup U21 Presentation
Believe in the Future!
NC staff -
Hello my friends,
"A better World could be brought about only by better individuals" - Pierre de Coubertin
And...we´re back...again!
Almost a year ago, in this space, we presented the 1st competition organized by the NC staff, dedicated exclusively to the OSM National teams.
Nations Cup 2021
was the launch pad for reclaiming the space of the OSM National teams, which for some time had been lost or remained inactive.With the success achieved with the community, we decided to take the next step towards evolution, with the aim of improving not only the competition, but simultaneously making this competition even more inclusive and fair.
Thus is born the
World Nations Cup
, which replaces theNations Cup
!We will now present the competition and its regulations in detail.
You can check the
World Nations Cup 2022
here.Some aspects of the regulations are still being analyzed by the WNC staff (new designation!) and may be changed according to a poll that was taken last weekend during the
Nations Cup 2022 Summit
.Before we go into the "boring" part of the competition rules and format, we want to make an important announcement.
The WNC staff family has grown, and we have 3 new teammates:@otman347891
@Gabi-UmpierrezWe thank you in advance for your contribution to this new project and we hope you have fun with us!
This is the new logo of the competition, which also changes its name, being renamed:
World Nations Cup 2022
.In addition to the name, the format of the competition will also be different, despite maintaining the "cup" component in some of its stages.
In the 1st edition of theNations Cup
, after having determined the 1st champion of the competition (Congrats India) we announced the
Nations Cup Ranking 2021
.The ranking, which will also change its name in the next edition, being renamed
World Nations Cup Ranking 2022
, will be the basis of merit for the National teams.
This means that the better the ranking of a National team, the more that position will be rewarded in terms of the competition, in addition to the prestige naturally recognized by everyone.
Therefore, theNations Cup Ranking 2021
served as the basis to attribute these benefits, in the edition of theWorld Nations Cup 2022
, as well as the final result of theWorld Nations Cup Ranking 2022
, which will be determined after the Final of the competition, will define the benefits of the National teams, in the edition of theWorld Nations Cup 2023
This ranking, as you have already noticed, has a dynamic that comes from the competition itself and as such is the fairest way to reward the work done by the National teams. Here is one last idea about the dynamics of this ranking. A National team that, for whatever reason, does not participate in the next edition of theWorld Nations Cup 2022
, will see its ranking devalued, due to this absence, and if this absence continues in the next edition (2023) it will suffer another devaluation of the ranking.
Now about the new format. For a National team to become world champion, it will have to travel a path of different stages, until being acclaimed after the final journey of the Final!
The competition is now divided into 3 zones:Europe
. Each of these zones will select the various National teams for the WNC Final, according to a merit rate based on the NC Ranking 2021, as well as select the best National teams among themselves to define who will be the continental champion in each of these zones.Fasten your seat belts! The Future is coming!
One Competition, One community
WNC staff -
Hello my friends,
"It is ironic that the accumulation of arms is one of the few expanding industries in a period of economic depression and gloom." - Javier Perez de Cuellar
Let's go back to the details of the competition format and later on we will focus on the regulations.
For a National team to become European champion, it will have to pass the Play Off, if it has a lower ranking, play the group stage and be one of the best 8 to dispute the title against the remaining 7, which will be awarded after the last round of a League of 8 teams have been played, where the European Champion will be the National team that finishes with the most points added.
This process is the same for the 3 zones, although America won't have Play Off in the next edition, because there aren't enough National teams to make room for this stage, thus going directly to the group stage.
The distribution of National teams in all zones is done according to theNC Ranking 2021
, which means that a National team that has not competed in this competition will not have a ranking assigned so it will start competing in Play Off, the same goes for the National teams that have the lowest ranking in their respective zones, and the Play Off will be played by 8 National teams, in a League of 8 teams.As you can see in the image above, each National team in the Play Off, will have one manager (4 in the lineup) distributed by one of the different 4 leagues.
The number of Play Off qualifiers for the group stage will be determined by the number of National teams participating in the competition, and there will always be a group stage pairing of 4 National teams per group. The group stage will always have at least 16 National teams. There may be more, always multiples of 4, if there are more National teams to participate.
In the group stage, we will have the National teams selected directly (without playing Play Off) as they have the highest ranking in their area, plus the National teams that will be selected via Play Off, making at least 4 groups of 4 National teams, in a total of 16.
For the Continental Final (in each zone) the 8 best National teams will be selected, out of 16, which correspond to the 1st and 2nd classified in each group. To determine this ranking, the National teams will play against each other, as in the old battles, and add points (3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss) in addition to the battle points that will serve as one of the criteria to define those established in the event of a tie.
For example :
Group A
Portugal / Spain / France / ItalyR1
Portugal vs Spain
France vs ItalyR2
Spain vs France
Italy vs PortugalR3
Portugal vs France
Spain vs ItalyAt the same time, and taking the example of the Europe zone, that these 8 best National teams qualify to decide the European title, the 7 best of these 8 National teams also qualify for the
WNC 2022
The number of National teams that qualify for theWNC 2022
Final in each zone is different depending on the ranking obtained by each zone in theNC Ranking 2021
.The image above shows the formula used to calculate, according to the
NC 2021 Ranking
, how many National teams are qualified in each zone to theWNC 2022 Final
.Another important issue about the Group Stage is that the seed of each group is also determined by the
NC Ranking 2021
, so in a stage with 16 National teams, the best 4 according to theNC Ranking 2021
will be seeded in the 4 groups. The distribution of the remaining National teams by the groups will be made according to their ranking and then this rule is also applied to the National teams that come from Play Off.
The teams that each National team will control, in any of the phases, will always be drawn. There will be no direct assignment of teams. In the group stage, as well as in Play Off, the league creators (PM) will also be drawn. The rounds in the group stage will be alternated, there will always be a National team in each group that will play 2 "home" games and thus create the leagues twice, the criteria in the group stage is that the National team plays in "home" creates the league.
The WNC Final will be disputed by the top 16 National teams that qualify in each of their zones, according to the merit rate obtained by theNC Ranking 2021
. And it will be played in the Community League M, there will be the formation of 4 pools 4 teams with similar budgets (with a very slight variation) each will be drawn, by each of the National teams, and will define which teams will be controlled by their lineup.
As you can see in the image bellow, the distribution of the 16 National teams that will play theWNC 2022
Final distributed for 4 different leagues.The World Champion will be the National team that arrives after the last round of the Community League M, at the end with the most points added.
Another new idea that we have introduced with this new format are bonus ranking points, awarded to continental Champions (in each zone) to the 2nd and 3rd placed in these Finals, and also to the World Champion, World Vice Champion and 3rd place in the WNC Final .
All the points that the different National teams manage to amass over the different stages will be added to theWNC Ranking 2022
Now let's see the new logos, which will accompany the 3 qualification zones!Now, let´s take a small break, and relax with the WNC hymn!
One competition, One community
WNC staff -
Hello my friends,
"The learned man is a discoverer of facts that already exist - but the wise man is a creator of values that do not exist and which he makes to exist." - Albert Einstein
And now let's present the competition rules in detail!
Regarding the regulation for the next edition, we will also have some changes. Starting with the scoring system, which defines the qualifications and also the winners of the different phases.
In Play Off and in the group stage we will have the scoring system based on the old Battlepedia and in the WNC Final we will have the points system that was already used in the 1st edition ofNations Cup 2021
but also with changing values in several parameters in order to maintain an interesting dynamic but also to be fairer.
There is a very important rule, which is at the heart of this project, and which is the representation of each manager, who will have to be of the same nationality as the National team that represents or not, whether this is necessarily the situation, here we contemplate the situation of managers emigrants, have never represented any other National team in previously played National Team competitions. Breaking this rule is a serious violation of the spirit of this competition, and will be sanctioned, allowing the National team that has not complied with this rule to change the manager who does not comply with this requirement for another that does so with the penalty of substitution of manager, and in case of not doing so, if the situation is detected before the start of the competition, he will incur the sanction of being suspended from the competition, if it is during the competition, he will have the possibility to change the manager with the penalty of replacement of manager, if he does not do so, he will incur the sanction of being suspended from the competition as soon as the competitive phase ends.
We changed the rule of representation by crew, which becomes 3 managers of the same crew in the National team's lineup, but they cannot play all 3 at the same time. In other words, in the initial lineup (G1, G3, G5 and G7), 2 managers from the same crew will be able to line up and the 3rd will have to be in the reserves.
We kept the rule of rotation of managers between rounds, which means that each National team will have to rotate 2 managers, between for example R1 and R2 of the group stage, and this applies to any stage, except for the Final of the WNC.
About League Creation, so that each result corresponds only to luck and the tactical level of the player, we have defined that in this edition there will be no Training Camp or Secret Training.
In relation to Club Funds Compensation we also disabled it so that the player's squad value is not because the player invested BC to build it. Although in this edition, also to increase the level of competitiveness, we decided that friendlies will be allowed even because there were some complaints about the fact that we do not have the power to confirm whether player A made a friendly with player B.
Even with these changes we kept the rule that is prohibited to make Instant Sales and / or sell the player at market value. The leagues will be without cup just like the previous edition.
There will be transfers with a simple rule which is that you cannot buy before the 1st sale simulation, something that is quite recurrent so that, in theory, everyone has the chance to be in the league and active in the market.
Well, still about transfers there are still a few more things to talk about, namely that if there is a CPU the player will not be able to do any transfers with him and if he does it will translate into a penalty of -10 points.
As mentioned above about Instant Sales and/or selling the player at market value also has an associated penalty of -10 points. Finally, transfers between players are also prohibited, resulting in a penalty of 10 points for both.
These transfer rules are mainly intended to be fair to all players as everyone will have the same opportunities to buy and sell.
In order not to complicate life for the players, the purchase of legendary players is free.
The wrong choice of team also results in a penalty of 20 points, as the teams are selected so that there is a balance in the overall of the 4 teams that fell to each team when selecting the wrong team are damaging the balance and causing unnecessary delays for both the staff as for everyone in the league.
About the lineup, just remember that all the National teams will have to register a minimum of 6 players and a maximum of 8, with 4 always in the initial lineup and 2 to 4 in reserve for eventualities, and for rotation.
Finally, if there is a violation of any rule, the complaint must be made using the form that we will make available for that purpose, and obviously if any player is punished for any violation of OSM terms, this will result in a penalty for the National team, as we all are aware that we must comply with OSM terms and as is clear from this part there is no intervention by WNC staff members and we cannot be held responsible for GameBasic staff intervention.You check the WNC 2022 Regulation here.
We emphasize that some of the rules presented are still under consideration by the WNC staff after a survey was carried out with the delegations present at the
Nations Cup 2022 Summit
, and that they may be subject to revision and that if there is any change, we will present the new version of the regulations.Together we will evolve! The Future has arrived!
One competition, One community
WNC staff -
Hello my friends,
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." - Pablo Picasso
As we did, at
Nations Cup 2021
, we will have several rubrics, to create interactivity, not only among the participants of the competition, but in the community in general. The objective of this competition is to allow that the National teams to continue to evolve in a highly competitive environment. And we will have a team to help and support you, just like the National coaches:@Moltensky
@Apocalipse4This team, will bring to the community, the updates of the competition and also the stats, always rigorously and always available to remove any doubts or problems that may arise during the competition. So we kindly, ask the official staff, to allow us to open an official topic, for this competition, here in the Crews Forum, and we are committed to keeping the
Nations Cup
nowWorld Nations Cup
brand rich and attractive for everyone! We are ready, to do a Q&A session to clarify any doubts. Therefore, we ask that you evaluate this proposal, and we are available, for any necessary clarification :@De-Xrist
@SpecialOneWorld Nations Cup 2022
PresentationOne competition, One community
WNC staff -
@apocalipse4 said in Community/Global Non Official Events Advertisement:
.... So we kindly, ask the official staff, to allow us to open an official topic, for this competition, here in the Crews Forum, and we are committed to keeping the
Nations Cup
nowWorld Nations Cup
brand rich and attractive for everyone! We are ready, to do a Q&A session to clarify any doubts. Therefore, we ask that you evaluate this proposal, and we are available, for any necessary clarification :Approved
What else could we say with such an amazing introduction/request and after everything you've done on past editions? You already proved your value and I find it hard for you guys to surprise us, but I believe you'll achieve it once more!
I've seen a lot of formality in this topic so forgive me for breaking the chain, was requesting if we could use either the EN-Language Channel or the crews channel to host a tournament for the African, Asian and Ocenia communities if we can. Already asked most of the national coaches just needed your permission to use a forum for ease.
The format
24 African and Asian nations will participate (possibility to have guest nations). These 24 nations will be divided into 2 divisions of 12 nations (Division 1 and Division 2).
The last 3 nations of Division 1 will be relegated to the other divisions while the first 3 nations of Division 2 will be promoted to Division 1.Example :
1.1 How will these divisions be distributed ?
In the first season, there will be no real division. The nations will be divided by a draw. This draw will divide the 24 nations into 2 groups of 12 nations. The 6 best nations of each division will be in Division 1 during season 2 and the 6 others will complete Division 2.1.2 What will be the destination for the leagues ?
The Community League S will be chosen for this competition as it fits perfectly with the format we want to set up. Below, we have already prepared the distribution of the teams (distribution to be by draw)
2.1 What is allowed ?
Friendly games are allowed .
Buying legendary and fit players is allowed.
Quick sales are allowed.
Scout is allowed.
2.2 What is prohibited ?
Secrets trainings deactivated
Trainings camps deactivated
Timers deactivated
Compensations deactivated
Cup deactivated
Substitute a manager after the dead-line is prohibited (-200 per replacement) but if the reason is valid, the penalty can be cancelled according to the judgement of the organisation.
Transfers before the first simulation are prohibited (-200 per purchase).
Transfers between managers are prohibited (-150 per purchase).
Choosing the wrong team (-200 points)
Choosing the wrong goal (-300 points)
Leaving the league (-350 points)
PM is wrong in the options (-200 points) + he will have to re-launch the league 4 days later.
PM creates late or sends late invitations (-150 points) but if the reason is valid, the penalty can be cancelled according to the judgement of the organisation.️ For all penalty reports, please use the form provided on the OSM forum or in the WhatsApp group description.
OSM terms have to be followed at all times2.3 Scoring system
Every manager starts with 1000 points
Goal bonus +250 points
Every place above objective +100
Every place below objective -100
League points x10
An additional bonus for the 1st place (+250 points), 2nd (+150 points),3rd (+50 points) in the league -
Hello Eugene and Organisers,
We have reviewed your request for a forum topic for your competition, but we need to make clear on what we want to see on a forum topic:
- Increase in forum activity with nice posts, preferably from all community, but if not possible at least organisers should provide clear and detailed information for participants and community in general.
- Competitions should not be exclusive, they should be open to all, limited by sign up criteria.
- There should be a way/system provided by organisers to report penalties without spamming the forum topic with complaints and infringements.
- Sign ups should be made available outside the forum topic to avoid spam sign up posts.
- Post with images of results and standings that don't create healthy discussions won't be allowed.
We would also like you to tell us why we should allow topic and how you intend on keeping it active while also making sure the points outlined above are observed?
MANAGERS WORLD CUP 2022Greetings friends! Let me introduce myself, I'm Alberto (alberto el torto in OSM) organizer of several unofficial tournaments in the Hispanic and world community. On this occasion I took the audacity to present you this new cup called
Managers world Cup 2022Due to the lack of individual tournaments in communities worldwide, I present this serious project. The idea is to consolidate an individual tournament where the different managers, from the different communities, can enjoy an individual cup. Below is the content of the tournament.
Cup content
Round 1
It will be made up of 10 leagues of 20 teams each. The number of leagues can be increased depending on the number of manager registrations.
In this Round, 6 managers per league qualify for the semifinal phase.SEMIFINAL
It will be made up of 6 leagues of 10 teams each.
In this phase, 2 managers per league qualify for the next phase (final)FINAL
It will be made up of 12 managers.Requirements to enter the cup.
Fill out the pre-registration form.
Have a minimum of 6 months with the account.
Regulation and sanctions of the competition.
The purchases and sales of players between managers of the same league are prohibited (Penalty -9 points)
If a manager resigns from a league, he will not be able to participate for the next edition.
Bad team choice (Penalty -9 points)
Bad creation of a league (-9 points). In this case, the league must be created again either with the same moderator, or with another manager of the same league (prior draw). The preseason of the poorly created league must be expected.
Managers have 24 hours to enter the leagues. If it does not enter, it is replaced with one of the reserves.
If after the 24-hour period the manager manages to enter, he will have a sanction of (-3 points).
Players cannot be placed out of position (penalty -6 points per game)
League invitations must be sent within the established period. Failure to comply in the period (Sanction -3 points).
Creation of the leagues
The moderators, or league creators, will be selected by lottery. In any case, in the registration form, there is a question about whether you want to be a league moderator.
League moderators can select the team they want.
Advanced tools for creating leagues
Private League = Yes
Cup = No
Preseason= Yes
Secret Trainings = Yes
Training campus = No
Club Fund Compensation = No
League toolsFriendly = yes
Immediate sales = yes
Purchase of players in form = yes
Purchase Legend Players = yes
Purchase between managers = No
League purchase schedule = since its creation
Cup registration link to registration of sanctions remind all participants that failure to comply with the general terms of OSM will result in immediate disqualification from the competition and the possibility of being sanctioned in the corresponding manner. These rules include tampering with the competition through match-fixing or illegal transfers, and insulting or disqualifying other users.
In the event of any event that alters the competition or harms some participants for the benefit of others, the organization reserves the right to take the corresponding measures.Without further ado, I say goodbye hoping for a positive response. Cheers
@alberto-el-torto Hello, I inform you that there is an error when registering. In the part where the country is asked, the answer must be your email.
@alberto-el-torto When does the league start? Deadline for entries?
Greetings to all, it is a proposal that I publish for the personnel in charge of approving the themes for important tournaments, the inscriptions, among other things, do not have a date, we must wait if they approve or not said request in the same way the cup is carried out. but the ideal is on its own topic, that's why the proposal is going to wait for the response we receive from the staff in charge.
Hello my friends . . . We are " MASTER LEAGUE "
We will make our season 3 soon and I invite you to join our leagues
Our leagues are not like other leagues
We analyze every game and make interesting statistics about the league and our coaches.Season 2 is being held in the form of Champions Leaguse . Lets see some of our statistics and infographics :
These are just some of the infographics we create about our leagues
We are still inexperienced and we try to get better day by day and hold better competitions. . . So if you want to participate in our leagues, please send a message
I have interest on organizing FMS.
Can I have a topic and procede with the organization?
Looking forward for an answer!
@ruipsc5 We already discussed a little bit in private about this....
Make a post explaining your idea and if well structured we'll grant you a topic for it.
Keep in mind that more important than the competition itself, the way you'll be handling the topic will be the most important criteria to decide if the topic will be allowed or not!