OSM WC 2018 Edition
@markez17 said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
@j-shephard said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
Hi Manuel, I unfortunately had read your note in which you said that the number of managers involved could be reduced and I had also told to my friends, but I was hoping for a smaller reduction, because 25% are so many! But of course you must also find a number that can allow you to form the groups, so I understand that with 144 everything becomes easier for your organization, so I thank you so far for the great work you are doing and you have to do to the realization of the tournament.
But I have a question to ask you, I understand that you don't want (or can not) unbalance in saying the minimum score for this year, since you will have to do a job selection (cheating, waste participation and other), but I would like to know (and this surely you know) the score of the 144th qualified of last year. I know that the last qualified (192 °) of last year made 29.910 points, I just wanted to know how many points made the 144th. Obviously it's just a statistical data, nobody can refer to this score because this year we may have been better or less good than last year, but at least we'll get an idea
Thanks again and have a good jobIt's interesting that you ask for it!
At this point, the number 144 of the 2017 provisional list had around 2.5k manager points less than the number 144 of the 2018 provisional list.
Manager points that got number 144 of last edition probably won't be enough to qualify this year with the 192 places systemIn fact, I imagined that the share had risen significantly this year reading a little the results on the various forums, I told my friends that the share to be inside was 40,000 I hope I was not wrong and that it is enough to be in 144
@lafuens said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
Hello @Markez17,
I have no intention of playing this tournament, but because I've been tagged twice in a short period of time, I've been "forced" to follow this post.
After reading the information that you gave, I would like to express something.
In my opinion, the reduction of the number of managers from 192 to 144 (25% less) is a little bit sad. I also think it could be considered unfair if we take into consideration the moment of the announcement of this new rule.
I can't stop thinking in those who have been working hard to achieve the goal of joining the WC2018, giving their best every day and spending their money and time, listening now that they have less opportunities to participate.Markez, I'm pretty sure that we all here respect and understand that you have other things to do in your real life. Everybody has. But maybe you should reconsider other options before leaving 48 players out. Is it not possible asking for help to some of your bosses?
Best regards.
Totally agree. Reduction of the number of managers from 192 to 144 (25% less) is a little bit sad. Actually, it is really really sad. Taking into account experience of 2017, I was sure that approx 30K will be enough for participation. And YES, I spent my time and money for listening now that I have NO opportunity to participate.
Markez, you are kindly requested to reconsider your decision.
Thanks in advance. -
@vladimir-dani said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
Totally agree. Reduction of the number of managers from 192 to 144 (25% less) is a little bit sad. Actually, it is really really sad. Taking into account experience of 2017, I was sure that approx 30K will be enough for participation. And YES, I spent my time and money for listening now that I have NO opportunity to participate.
Markez, you are kindly requested to reconsider your decision.
Thanks in advance.First of all: OSM WC 2018 has 144 places, not possible to change it.
The minimum of 30K manager points is something that users think but it's not a rule, ther isn't a minimum. You are not agree if you don't get a place of 144 but... Are you agree if we have 192 places and you don't get one of them with your manager points?
I say it to you but the same case would be for any user that is not agree with the reduction. -
Can you imagne if participants of upcoming WC in Russia will be reduced from 32 to 24, for example? You just showed us how comic and not serious such organisation like OSM.
@vladimir-dani said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
Can you imagne if participants of upcoming WC in Russia will be reduced from 32 to 24, for example? You just showed us how comic and not serious such organisation like OSM.
Ok, i understand you. You are not agree with the OSM WC 2018 system and i can understand too that, if you get a place, you won't accept it. Maybe you can make in your community your own tournament organized by yourself, with places, rules and system that you prefer
You are GM. You are the boss, it is understandable. But if main OSM tournament depends on opinion of 1 person only, it is really sad.
@vladimir-dani said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
OSM tournament depends o
i think official OSM tournaments depend on opinion of organizers, if 1 person organizes such a tournament like this (as past editions), and there isn't the opportunity to get help from other managers for various reason, we must accept it
Hey bosses, OSM World Championship is back with it's 2018 edition!
- What is OSM World Championship?
OSM World Championship is an official event organized by the OSM staff for the outstanding managers in this game, based on the total number of manager points they earned during a set period. No cheaters or managers with forum bans will be allowed to join the competition and play in it, whether they were found guilty during the qualification period, after it, or during the World Championship itself.
OSM World Championship format
144 managers (including winners of last edition that won't need to qualify for it)
3 rounds
- Round 1: 12 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 4 managers from each league go through to Round 2
- Round 2: 4 leagues of 12 managers each » Top 3 managers from each league go through to Round 3
- Round 3: 1 league of 12 managers » The winner of the league is the OSM World Champion 2017.
Special Leagues for each round (No BCs compensation, No training camps, No Secret trainings neither transfers. Remaining features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round)
- How to get a place in OSM World Championship?
- Only leagues with a minimum of 14 matches played on it will be taken into account.
- Qualification period will be between 1st December 2017 and 31st May 2018, but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account.
- How to know if I have a place in OSM World Championship?
- You will receive by PM your invitation to accept or decline it. This edition, from Wednesday 13th to Wednesday 20th June you will receive your invitation and you'll have until next Wednesday, 27th June, to accept or decline it.
- You can receive an invitation to get a sub place, we all know that every year some users decide to decline their place or simply they don't say nothing about. If you are a subs, as soon as you can fill a free place we will let you know.
- I get a place in OSM World Championship, what must I know?
- OSM WC is an individual competition, you must play for yourself and respect all OSM rules. We must have always fair play and don't let win someone only because is your crewmate, your friend, etc.
- 1st round, if we don't have any problem, will begin Tuesday, 3rd July, and you must have a free slot at least one day before league have been created.
- We need league moderators to send invitations, if you get a place and are able to do it just let us know by PM to take it into consideration.
- I think that i deserve a place this edition, what can I do?
- If you didn't receive an invitation but you are sure that you get enough points, you can ask me ( @Markez17 ) by PM about it. Be sure that you recolect more than 30.000 manager points, didn't receive a ban or suspension and you follow all OSM rules. We will see again your case and say why you don't get a place.
- If you ask about it but you know perfectly why you don't get and only want to make troubles... Think about it two times before do that, you can be punished for it!
And for finish, think that:
- Don't read rules don't justify that you don't follow them.
- OSM WC organization will take the best solution if something not expected happens in OSM, keep calm and ask before be pesimistic!
Regards and have fun,
OSM WC organization -
@daniele-benjiamin said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
@vladimir-dani said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
OSM tournament depends o
i think official OSM tournaments depend on opinion of organizers, if 1 person organizes such a tournament like this (as past editions), and there isn't the opportunity to get help from other managers for various reason, we must accept it
From my point of view, it is a kind of fraud. I've spent my money during 6 month in order to reach a target and now I feel myself deceived.
@vladimir-dani Have you spent the money in the last 6 months to get the last qualifying place? If that's what you thought then you did not know how to use it wisely. I spent the money getting a place among the first qualified not only to hope that by a miracle I will qualify myself in the WC. Let's not forget that it's a competition and we need to know how to lose it in any way and maybe next year you will work harder to get a safe place. Good luck to everyone!
Before I write few things I must say I won't aprove some changes because my ass is safe. I would write the same if i had 50.000 or 100.000 MP's. With 34k you have to admit I'm not out of the race, and tbh I'don't care for this competition anymore. Before 3-4 years it was a big deal for me, but after I saw all the things in last few years now a regular league on my main account is more important to me. I played in 3 OSM WC leagues, so my goal to participate in the WC is achieved.
Reasons for reducing the number of participiants:
Organizer is bothered to put few more hours out of 365 days in checking some accounts. What an explanation. Other guys don't have real life. Just the organizer.
If he is cheerful - you will participate, if not - bad luck for you, wait 1 more year for a new chance.
Mate if u don't have time then retire, go have some cold beer on the beach, leave this crap...or guess what? Find 1 or 2 guys to help you. Simple as that.
Game with more than 5.000.000 (active players) potential participiants depends on 1 guy. This is one heck of a story! lol
Other reason: MAYBE a higher competitive level...MAYBE...and less problems.
How that? I saw ''problems'' appearead 3 times in the FINAL and that's a locig thing because everyone wants to be the WorldChampion. So doesen't matter if you have 800 participiants or 50 if a problem appear it will probably appear in a final of 12 players.Becuase one reason or another in the last years there were just issues and controversy about the WC. I'm wondering there are still people who are much interested in this competition...
GOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPIANTS! You will need strong nerves.
@neverbackdown-2oo9 said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
@vladimir-dani Have you spent the money in the last 6 months to get the last qualifying place? If that's what you thought then you did not know how to use it wisely. I spent the money getting a place among the first qualified not only to hope that by a miracle I will qualify myself in the WC. Let's not forget that it's a competition and we need to know how to lose it in any way and maybe next year you will work harder to get a safe place. Good luck to everyone!
Instead of teaching me how to spend my money, you'd better assist to lonely organizer so he could keep this tournament without reduction.
@menagerbl said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
Before I write few things I must say I won't aprove some changes because my ass is safe. I would write the same if i had 50.000 or 100.000 MP's. With 34k you have to admit I'm not out of the race, and tbh I'don't care for this competition anymore. Before 3-4 years it was a big deal for me, but after I saw all the things in last few years now a regular league on my main account is more important to me. I played in 3 OSM WC leagues, so my goal to participate in the WC is achieved.
Reasons for reducing the number of participiants:
Organizer is bothered to put few more hours out of 365 days in checking some accounts. What an explanation. Other guys don't have real life. Just the organizer.
If he is cheerful - you will participate, if not - bad luck for you, wait 1 more year for a new chance.
Mate if u don't have time then retire, go have some cold beer on the beach, leave this crap...or guess what? Find 1 or 2 guys to help you. Simple as that.
Game with more than 5.000.000 (active players) potential participiants depends on 1 guy. This is one heck of a story! lol
Other reason: MAYBE a higher competitive level...MAYBE...and less problems.
How that? I saw ''problems'' appearead 3 times in the FINAL and that's a locig thing because everyone wants to be the WorldChampion. So doesen't matter if you have 800 participiants or 50 if a problem appear it will probably appear in a final of 12 players.Becuase one reason or another in the last years there were just issues and controversy about the WC. I'm wondering there are still people who are much interested in this competition...
GOOD LUCK TO ALL PARTICIPIANTS! You will need strong nerves.
Appreciate for this post. Exactly what I was trying to say
Due to my bad English can't compose such long texts.
@vladimir-dani I am not happy with this announcement but the decision has already been taken and we can not change anything. I would be happy to help because 3 friends in my crew could not attend, they made between 30 and 34,000 manager points and now certainly they will not succeed in this WC
Don't forget when the qualification period was changed... And we all see so much complainings and disagree about that. After that, nobody talks about it.
Maybe if OSM WC 2019 has 144 places again, nobody complain with that. I don't know if i will organize it but, when 2018 edition reach the end i'm open to listen suggestions about minor or major changes to improve the competition
PS: I'm an old & hardcore user too!
@markez17 I agree with all of you up to some extent. First of all, I know that you are busy and this must surely be a hard task to deal with such an extent number of players, leagues, etc. The best would be to share the task with some more mods, mainly from other nationalities so that problems can be solved more easily. Neither everybody speaks English, nor yours is perfect (I hope you dont mind me telling you so). From my experience many managers use the translators devices available on the internet and if there are mistakes the translator doesnt work properly and it may lead to misunderstandings. Hence, although it is not my task I offer to help you with English so that you can communicate exactly what you really intend to say.
I understand other managers who feel fooled or deceived for the change in the ratio and now feel excluded from their dreams. There are many who have truly fought until the very last moment to reach the magical 30k points which would thus have taken them to their long-awaited WC. Speaking of fairness at this point seems to be out of any reason. I agree with you, Markez, in the sense that this task really may get to be out of your control if you accept more people than you can afford. However, accepting 192 is manageable if you then reduce the number of contestants per league who go into the following round. Anyway, the organizer is the one who sets the rules so you have my firm support at this point.
For successive years I would be clearer in advance. I would open a round for suggestions at the end of this WC so that as many ideas as possible would be brainstormed. Feel free to put the limits at any moment of the period but in case it were possible, tell the sooner the possible.
Thank you
@markez17 Hi, mate..
First of all, I want you to know that I do really appreciate your hardwork to organise such event like this OSM WC. Not everyone can or willing to do that. You should be proud..
I've read all these posts in this topic. After read your last post, I realise that you missed the point about why so many managers are complaining your decision.
I don't think it's about the number 144 of participants. But it's about the time you made the announcement..
Ideally, rules don't change after it started. Yes, you made a note label "very important" at your first post. I believe you had something in your mind with no decision at that point. And based on that note, you thought you can make the adjustment later. Yes, you can. But.. you should make up your mind at the early stage of the qualification period, where every managers still can adapt to your new number (if you really had to, with good reasons of course). I don't think you can do that after period ends..
I have to say @Lafuens , @Vladimir-DANI , @MenagerBL , @rafael-1974 , Romanian Moderator @NeverBackDown-2oo9 have their points, mate..
Please don't get me wrong. It's not about me qualified or not. Really. I would love to be qualified of course. I won't lie to you. But that's not the point right now..
I know this post won't change anything. You've made your decision. Do it. You still have my support. I just hope better next time (if) you organise an event like this..
Thanks for your time reading my post.. Peace, mate..
Congratz to all qualified managers. To those who are not, life goes on.. -
I read of course all your messages but sorry, it's always the same thing and my response is similar always... I understand you all about your position and viewpoint, some things are more or less logical and others are only lack of information about how others editions worked!
It's funny to talk about compare OSM WC and Russia WC... Russia WC doesn't have a lot of cheaters!When i made first topic post (November '17) i was sure that i will set OSM WC 2018 places number when i got the provisional WC list. You can give thanks to all users that can't respect OSM rules but i'm sure that you all are happier users if you come to a public topic and talk about a bad organization.
Maybe you all can try to organize WC 2019, i have pairs of boot for everyone that wants to put in my situation! Until then, i will continue sending invitations to those users that get a place.
@markez17 said in OSM WC 2018 Edition:
Don't forget when the qualification period was changed... And we all see so much complainings and disagree about that. After that, nobody talks about it.
Maybe if OSM WC 2019 has 144 places again, nobody complain with that. I don't know if i will organize it but, when 2018 edition reach the end i'm open to listen suggestions about minor or major changes to improve the competition
PS: I'm an old & hardcore user too!
Mate, don't get confused about the fear of a ban with a lack of complaining.
Where a ban means a goodbye to the WC. -
From Wednesday until today, i have been done the followings things about OSM WC:
- Teams updated.
- All 144 users got an invitation, around 110 already reply and all of them accept it!
- Preparing everything about 1st round stage.
- Lock some cheaters accounts found during WC list checking.
Maybe today i will send messages to some users that got a reserve place. If i still have free time, i will continue punishing some cheaters!