LFS-Cup Discussietopic
@maxmorlock_nl said in LFS-Cup Discussietopic:
Up to my post I could only sell 26 players, at 15.00 still 2 more, that's right; I know that I make the most profit from the fact that I have been buying and selling players through my scout. Since five days I've been selling a few players worth 3-5 million, and I'm not getting that much money can trigger my scout.
The manager Dave Jansen, as much as I appreciate him, is not the benchmark for me:
But the manager of Gangwon, because he is the first:
He has made a total of 45 transfers, alone 8 of them worth between 17 million and 22 million and several transfers between 10-20 million.
And I sell a few players for minimum amounts within 5 days: And as I said, there were always 4 players on the transfer list:
And that's exactly what makes the difference between 1st place and 12th place.He has 45 transfers with 8 * 20 million sums and is first; I with 28 transfers of 5-10 million: I am last:
His current team value is 188 million, mine with 94 million exactly the half
It's such a simple game!Just noticed that up to that post, you actually had 6 players sold between 10 and 18,5M among the 28 transfers..^^
Anyway, as another proof, regarding the team values, you're now 8/12 and Dave Jansen is 7/12; but he's second!
And 8/12 is not that bad, you're not that far
Come on ! You don't need to be first to qualify, your duo just has to finish in the Top 3 duos
@dammy111_nl said in LFS-Cup Discussietopic:
However, I think that a good manager can handle it in highs as in lows
And why do you hide behind your 194 million squad and do not play like the manager of Sangju Sangmu with 48 million who plays in your league? Either because you are not a good manager or because you know that what you wrote is nonsense! I beleave so, the latter is the reason!
@maxmorlock_nl Lol, maybe I'm bad, maybe I'm writing non-sense; who knows...^^
I'd say it's because of what I (already) said: not only building, not only tactics. Both have their importance, as the ability to handle a calendar, your players' morale & form, luck, good/bad series, and other stuff.. -
@the-best-manager-in-the-world_nl said in LFS-Cup Discussietopic:
SHEET LFS-CUP: https://ufile.io/554bu
LFS-Cup / Round 2
Day 6/22
Ik doe het morgenochtend wel even voor groep 5.
Just a short evaluation of the facts this afternoon, matchday 6
Group 1: Average squad value 155.4 million
Group 2: Average squad value 148.9 million
Group 3: Average squad value 155.8 million Group with highest squad value !!
Group 4: Average squad value 133.0 million
Group 5: Average squad value 130.9 million
Group 6: Average squad value 145.0 million
Placement Pohand Steller: Average of all 6 groups 8.83
Placement Suwon Samsung: Average of all 6 groups 7.16
Sum of both teams: 16
Target: 7 and 3 = 10From the overview it is quite clear that both teams on the part of the engine have a deficit and probably can not reach the target
Over the years I've been watching this in all the leagues I've played (in the world version I've played all the countries before) and found out that there are teams in each league that have these engine deficiencies. It's not about the best manager and the best tactic.
In Germany we say: With these teams you can not win a flower pot.
I will do this evaluation again and see if the results in the ranking have changed to the advantage.
@harry-hirsch_nl It's interesting, but what do you say about the teams repartition then?
All the duo's that made the best score in the first round all received the same teams.
Your teams belong to the 5th/6 ranked duo's after the 1st round.
Could you make the same calculation with duo #6 (Pakket D) and duo #1 (Pakket F) in order to see if there's a link?
I'm sure you'll notice a correlation! -
Ff snel een tussenstand van Groep 4:
+ lsalvador = 2
Fc Roland Utd + Kevin Wybo = 4
Flougle92 + Sanderjep15 = 6
Gilles Brunelos + lapierre = 6,5
Furkantaktak + halimfener = 9,5
Rosenborg + rassrass = 11Geen idee of we nog met gemiddelde positie werken of met punten... Maar aangezien ieder duo samen 10 ds punten heeft geeft het een aardig beeld. En heb geen tijd om de hele sheet in te vullen
Als ik tussendoor tijd heb doe ik er nog wel eentje.
Groep 3:
Groep 1:
Alles is uiteraard zonder strafpunten want die ken ik niet.
Groep 6:
Groep 2:
Zo moet niemand jaloers zijn.
Wie een fout ziet behalve de naamfout die ik ergens had gemaakt mag het melden.
Doe het nog wel eens 1 van de dagen.
Sorry guys but why are you making a table with manager points? If I understand right the rules, this table doesn't matter, only the places in the table are important
@brazilian-starrr_nl I updated the score system because there were some problems with it in the first round ^_^
Where can I see changes in the rules? it's strange that we'll only find out about it right now.
we played half the tournament, with the calculation of the rules that were in the 1st round