F1 2018
Suprised that there was’nt a topic yet.
Somehow Bahrein and China are changed. This weekend is the Chinese Grand Prix. In a few minutes QP will start. Renault is again suffering motorissues and it would be a miracle if Ricciardo will start in QP.
Ferrari is the one for pole position this weekend, it seems they have the fastest engine which is perfect along the backstraight of the circuit.
@martijnfc_nl I always love Force India just because I am an Indian.
@king-noel i like the Force India livery
Next season will be 21 races on the calendar with the advent of Germany and France.
2018 Formula 1 calendar:
25 Mart Avustralya GP Melbourne 8 Nisan Bahreyn GP Sakhir 15 Nisan Çin GP Shanghai 29 Nisan Azerbaycan GP Baku 13 Mayıs İspanya GP Barcelona 27 Mayıs Monaco GP Monte Carlo 10 Haziran Kanada GP Montreal 24 Haziran Fransa GP Le Castellet 1 Temmuz Avusturya GP Spielberg 8 Temmuz Britanya GP Silverstone 22 Temmuz Almanya GP Hockenheim 29 Temmuz Macaristan GP Budapest 26 Ağustos Belçika GP Spa-Francorchamps 2 Eylül Italya GP Monza 16 Eylül Singapor GP Marina Bay 30 Eylül Rusya GP Sochi 7 Ekim Japonya GP Suzuka 21 Ekim Amerika GP Austin 28 Ekim Meksika GP Mexico City 11 Kasım Brezilya GP Sao Paulo 25 Kasım Abu Dhabi GP Yas Marina
@osmsüpermenajer this is yet not confirmed by FIA.