OSM Game Features : Chatroom - Suggestions
Make a feature for blocking league invitations.you
When choosing a new club, it would be nice if you could search or filter according to what day the league is on. I've spent 10 minutes going through leagues that have already started, and it's very irritating.
@Suvven If you mean in the "Active Leagues" tab I agree, I've already suggested it here but no response.
I hate how quiet it is here in this topic, it would be nice if all or some of the people that have made suggestions recently in the past few weeks would get responses from a Mod or GB official. After all, these suggestions have the potential to change OSM drastically in a good way
I have a suggestion to add the option of just clicking on a country by ranking and you will be able to see the Top 100 managers of this country, because right now you can see the top managers just from your own country.
@Adhurim-Dakajj there is already that option. On the upper right window theres an option to chose which country you want to see.
@Manager-PR-9 I mean on android and ios version.
hi, I would like to propose a new method on OSM, could you implement the option that you can transfer players through your own clubs that you manage? It would be the Top.
Bad idea I'm afraid, because this would make it possible that 2 teams own the same player and would also benefit the more active, die-hard, players instead of the casual ones who prefer to play on one slot only, like me (it's already enough unbalanced as it is now on this point of view...).
Will you insert option to trade player for player and/or coins ? That would be very good improvement. -
Hi, can I propose my idea? why can't I buy the Millions in addition to the credits? to say 100 Millions for 5/10 $ 🤪
@KevinEvo96 if you want the game to be pay2win then yeah
@KevinEvo96 Yeah but I think this proposal would make the game more of pay to win, and many people that play OSM want Gambasics to move away from the Pay2win trend.
Gamebasics BV is a company - so they need monetisation. Don't act so surprised that the game is P2W.
uchenna areplied to DMFArranhado98 on 27 Feb 2020, 04:41 last edited by uchenna a 27 Feb 2020, 04:41
@DMFArranhado98 Is your response to me or @KevinEvo96 or @NikoAlinRO?
@DMFArranhado98 I don't consider it P2W, the game already has microtransactions, sponsors and advertising. Plus there is already an option to buy players without money but with bosscoins, and if somebody wants to pay 5 euros to buy a player then that is their problem.
Hello guys,
I was wondering why there is a different icon when my player is training on my mobile (Android) compard to desktop.
I do find the training icon on android easier to see wheter my player is in training or not.
Would be nice if this could be implemented from android to desktop as well. -
On the web version, there's no blue cone, but the player number gets a training orange vest. Check it for yourself.
Forum Mods, what is the point of having this topic open when no one gets a response from you guys if suggestions will possibly happen? People put in hard work to come up with these suggestions, but get no response on whether they will be implemented to OSM? The sad thing is that a few months ago this chatroom used to be active every day, with forum mods actively addressing people's suggestions, now it feels like it is pointless to suggest new things when there is practically no chance you will get a response from a forum mod or get your suggestion passed on to Gambasics. It feels like: what is the point of suggesting when you are practically going to go unheard? Why have a suggestions chatroom when the suggestions are going to go unheard and answered? It is like suggesting new ideas for your job workplace but your manager just keeps ignoring them.
Please Forum Mods, be more active here like you were in the past because it feels like these suggestions go through one ear and go out the other without being recognized or addressed at all