OSM WC 2019 Edition
Incredible @davidaguila76 !!
Congratulations to @timilic7 for his run at the WC 2019 !!
This 3rd place is more than deserved. The FR Community is proud to have a player like youAnd big congratulations to @MenagerBL ! An experienced manager who deserves his title ! Well done !
Congratulations @MenagerBL for this wonderful title!
Congratulations @MenagerBL
@MenagerBL Nenad congratulations
congratulations @MenagerBL, you have done a great league
@davidaguila76, you represented our community very wellItยดs very difficult to get here, so congratulations for everyone
@MenagerBL congratulations Nenad
great job nenad . it s a pleasure to team with you
Congratulations @MenagerBL
Congratulations @MenagerBL !
congrat to @MenagerBL , i agree with @Rafelmaz , it's amazing !!! WNT and WC, very congrat.
We are happy for @timilic7 , since 2014, no french on podium. Congrat juju, we love you
Congratulations Nenad !!! Another big victory for you !!! You are the best !!!
Congratulation @MenagerBL, very deserved victory
I happy that you take part of an italian crew
Congratulation to all finalist and participants in partiucular to my countrymen @luigi74 , @Marcopot97 , @milito6969 , @robbyc76 and @dariomilan92Finally congratulations to @Markez17 for organization
Congratulation to @Daniele-Benjiamin that updated ius with the league standings every 3-4days -
@MenagerBL Congratulations, Nenad! I'm proud to have such great friend as you!
Congratulations to the champion you are the best without hesitation but we have already been able to talk about it in private messages.
Congratulations to everyone for the course, and congratulations to markez for the general organization.
Thank you to all my compatriots for their encouragement !!
Have fun ! -
Congratulations @MenagerBL !
Congratulations @MenagerBL
Congratulations @MenagerBL !
Some managers already are giving their good words to @MenagerBL but don't forget that, until i don't post the final standing it won't be official!
This edition, we have no changes due to punishment so...
Prizes will be given during the weekend and, after that, i will close this topic.
Thank you for covering as always @Daniele-Benjiamin
After three rounds, 18 leagues played and really competitive managers, i want to say something in general:
This is an individual competition, i'm going to repeat it each edition, each round... And i understand that some manager have friends inside game, maybe enemies, crew mates, etc.
- If you want to play and help your community managers, just play WNT or another competition for nations.
- If you want to play and help your crew mates, just play a crew battle or another competition where managers compete to win together.
Collusion is against rules and unfortunately, each WC edition i found some cases, mostly without impact to qualify and I keep some punishment in private way because i don't want that all managers going to criticize someone who made a mistake forgotten that here nobody has a crew and we all must play for ourself.
For me, as manager and WC organizer, it's a shame to see how managers try to benefit/harm another managers due to external reason and not just for get a place to the next round and win the league.I keep organizing WC for managers, i don't receive anything for it, but each year i get same problems and i feel sometimes that i'm wasting my time here. I have ideas for new official competitions, individual and for crews, but forget to see me making it a reality while i can't have a WC without managers breaking rules.
If you are a manager who is not breaking rules and is really playing this game just for fun and respect other managers... You are doing great and i'm organizing this competition for managers like you.
Nothing more to add, i don't want that this topic becomes a battle royale, my message is just a reminder. Thank you all for your time and now i'ts time to rest until next edition.