OSM WC 2020 Edition
Hey bosses, OSM World Championship is back with it's 2020 edition!
What is OSM World Championship?
OSM World Championship is an official event organized by the OSM staff for the outstanding managers in this game, based on the total number of manager points they earned during a set period. No cheaters or managers with forum bans will be allowed to join the competition and play in it, whether they were found guilty during the qualification period, after it, or during the World Championship itself.
2020 Edition of OSM WC will be played in same format as 2019 edition:
Best 4 qualified from last edition final + Best 8 from manager points WC list are automatically qualified but they must play 1st round in the 13rd league.
- 1st round: 12 leagues of 12 managers each one. (Best 3 goes to next round)
- Semifinal: 4 leagues of 12 managers each one. (Best 3 goes to next round)
- Final: 1 league with 12 manager to know our 2020 WC champion.
What must you know about get a place in WC?
- Only leagues with a minimum of 14 matches played on it will be taken into account
- Qualification period will be between 1st December and 31st May, but only leagues that finish from 14th December onwards will be taken into account.
- We'll be doing random checks on managers that are on TOP 500 on this period, so if you're thinking on take a short cut to qualify, think twice.
- Managers who have been punished in game between 01/2019 and day that WC begins can't take part!
Starting date: Not yet defined, but should be early July 2020!
What can I do in this topic until WC qualification period ends?
- Feel free to write your doubts (But please, read everything and see if someone already ask about it!) about competition. You can see last two editions topics if you want, on the following link: https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/25583/osm-wc-2018-edition/ https://forum.onlinesoccermanager.com/topic/38596/osm-wc-2019-edition/
- You can let us know how much Manager points you are recolecting when period begins and you finish your leagues. but don't forget that maybe it won't be your official amount.
- Only english is welcome here, don't write in another language!
An example about how let us know your manager points...
Markez17 (Slot 1)
22/12/2019 - Team A - 2000 manager points
20/01/2020 - Team B - 3200 manager points
20/02/2020 - Team C - 2500 manager pointsTotal between 14/12/2019 and 31/05/2020: 7700 manager points!
Main rules for OSM WC
- All OSM Rules must be followed.
- Break rules can be punished with lost of league points, be disqualified from competition or be suspended/locked, depends on the seriousness of the matter.
- You can set a player in different position (Except GKs and GK position) but never do it in order to benefit other manager.
- Features like friendlies are up to each manager to decide how many they do per round.
- If you find another manager breaking any rule, just let me know (Markez17) by private message.
Dear Manuel, for some of us, including me, is very import to know if the leagues where we'll play will be the same type with defenders of 50 and midfielders of 80. If yes, I'll skip.
Thnks for your answer
Regards -
@scorzinho Hello, players will have a random value as always. Maybe we can have again a round with "bad" defenders or another position, until league creation day we won't know 100%.
Most important thing is that all teams have same value and players type!
I have never looked at the OSM World Championship before but I am interested to participate now, but it's not clear to me if I can participate in the qualification or not. Can I participate in the qualification of this Championship or is this exclusive for top 500 teams?
@KoningCo Hello, it's nice to hear that!
To qualify, you just need to be into the 152 first managers who recollect more manager points with a slot from 14th December to 31st May
Checking is to TOP 500 during this period not TOP 500 on Ranking.
Hi @Markez17 ,
Just want to clarify a point of the rules. You say that only points earned after December 14th count, so for instance, would you include a league where the last game is played on December 13th and the league "disappears" from the account on the 14th?
@H-Mainguy If in your profile appears 14/12/2019, it counts!
@Markez17 World cup qualifiers start today. Leagues starting today or later an ending 14th December or later are eligible for qualification.
Are there any changes? -
@Marjan-Andžić it's easy and I already explained it in previous editions, your leagues counts if it have been finished between 14th December and 31st May and you play at least 14 matches in this league.
@Markez17 Do you know how many points were required to qualify for the last edition? I checked back in the 2019 topic, but the number of points was not mentioned there. It would be nice if you post a guideline so I can estimate if I have a chance to qualify or not.
@KoningCo sorry but there isn't a minimum needed to qualify, each edition changes because it depends of other managers and the manager points they get, if they accept to participate or not, etc.
السير عمر الطويل ( Slot 4 )
KF Laçi - 6915 pts - 24/12/2019
KF Laçi - 8035 pts - 17/1/2020
Bylis Ballsh - 7195 pts -14/2/2020
KF Laçi - 7615 pts - 8/3/2020
KF Laçi - 7235 pts - 31/3/2020
KF Laçi - 7735 pts - 23/4/2020
teuta Durres - 7475 pts- 20/5/2020Total between 14/12/2018 and 31/05/2019 : 52.205 pts
When I post my points from slot 1 here, do I have to participate with slot 1 then? Or can I choose to participate with slot 2, 3 or 4 while I post my points from slot 1 here? -
@KoningCo You are qualified with your best slot (Best = More manager points recollected during qualification period) but you can choose the slot that you prefer to play the competition if you get a place, of course!
Post your points recollected is just something to keep the topic active and maybe compare with other managers who post their points but you don't need to make it in order to be able to participate. If you are in, you will receive a private message during June
Hello all,
We are in the last week to recollect manager points and get a place for this WC edition.
While we wait for it, I'm updating some teams and changing others. At the moment I have done make the following changes:- Remove Beautiful & Handsome faces teams due to low popularity last edition.
- Remove F1 Drivers due to only have 20+1 pilots.
- Update G-20 and Moto GP teams.
- Added three new teams: OSM Staff, Football Legends and OSM Friends.
"OSM Friends" team has a group of 23 managers chosen by me for diversal reasons. Most of them are already retired from game, others just from forums and maybe 2-3 of them are still active.
At this point, I only need to think what to do with "Football coaches" teams.
Stay tuned!
@Markez17 said in OSM WC 2020 Edition:
- Added three new teams: OSM Staff...
Community Managers, Staff support, etc...?
Global Staff (3) + Community Managers (12) + Some Staff Supports (8)
Teuta Durres
24/5/2020 1 9 6535
Teuta Durres
30/4/2020 1 9 5495
4/4/2020 1 7 5335
Maardu Linnameeskond
10/3/2020 1 9 6755
Tasman United
Nova Zelândia
15/2/2020 1 7 4795
Bylis Ballsh
21/1/2020 1 9 5495
Newcastle United Jets
27/12/2019 1 9 6755tot:41165
GhosT KeN (Slot 1)
Bylis Ballsh - 7435 Manager Points -21/12/2019
Bylis Ballsh - 6795 Manager Points - 16/1/2020
Newcastle United Jets - 7195 Manager Points - 10/2/2020
Newcastle United Jets - 6715 Manager Points - 4/3/2020
Newcastle United Jets - 7015 Manager Points - 28/3/2020
Newcastle United Jets - 7015 Manager Points - 23/4/2020
Luftetari Gjirokaster - 6015 Manger Points - 19/5/2020
Total between 14/12/2019 and 31/05/2020 48.185 manager points!