[Official Topic] - Tactics Request
Hi all,
It has come to our notice that the previous topic for requesting and discussing about tactics has been missing for a few days now. We apologize for this especially because of all the helpful posts that were lost, so we decided to create a new official topic for this purpose.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused!
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Hey, i waited for this topic so long
i have a so much better team than my opponents, with a value difference of like 250-300M, but they usually puts camps against me in every match and is so frustrating because that thing is very op and the max i can do is draw against them, so i need to know which tactics i could use. -
Hello everyone
Im thinking about is there any relationship between pressure and defense style (man marking -zonal)
So can i say i put high press with zonal marking
And sit deep with man-marking? -
So my friends asked me to play this game with them but to be very honest I don't know much about it or even football at all haha still I would like to play with them and give them a fight!
I got Chelsea. I looked up the positions of the players and put them where they are supposed to be. I looked up some tactics and put those in too. My friends are selling a lot of players and getting new ones quite fast and I don't really know who to get or who to sell so I haven't done any of that yet.
I would appreciate any tips on team building and tactics! Thankss
First improve the weakest parts of your team. Sell your weakest players, buy higher rated ones.Trim your squad down, most people use 18 to 22 players.
Generally speaking, play defensive against stronger teams, attacking against weaker ones. But experiment with tactics, after a few weeks you will develop your own ideas.
In this game 4-4-2A is the neutral formation, something like 4-3-3 is attacking, and defensive are formations like 5-4-1, 4-2-3-1, etc. -
I forgot to add, for midfielders you have all-rounders, attacking and defensive players, based on whether their attack/defend stats are roughly even or not. Obviously it's better to place more offensive midfielders in more offensive positions, i.e. further forward on the pitch, defensive midfielders in defensive positions, etc. -
I m the first one in my league with Tottenham and I have also the best squad in the league(700M$).
I m playing home against Burnley who is a good tactical manager, he used camp.His formation is 4 4 2B passing game, offside off, zonal marking. It's more than 250M$ difference beetween us, can somebody help me with a good tactic, please? TY!
@AdiiShor-F-C-D-B the 4 2 3 1 one its actually very good for camps, try that with SOS and high pressure
how to beat 541? my team is stronger, thanks
@EmmettMicah said in [Official Topic] - Tactics Request:
So my friends asked me to play this game with them but to be very honest I don't know much about it or even omegle football at all haha still I would like to play with them and give them a fight!
I got Chelsea. I looked up the positions of the players and put them where they are supposed to be. discord I looked up some tactics and put those in too. My friends are selling a lot of players and getting xender new ones quite fast and I don't really know who to get or who to sell so I haven't done any of that yet.
I would appreciate any tips on team building and tactics!
It's quite important. If you have a lot of young players (<24y/o) upgrade the training first, if you have a lot of old players you need money to buy new players, so it's better to upgrade the stadium capacity. The one in the middle (i forgot the name) gives you an additional 2% 4% 6% chance of winning when you're playing at all, is not really worth in my opinion.Everything that matter are your players stats. For example, if you play with back wings, is better to put in that position a defender with at least 23/25 atk.
Another thing, your specialists: Captains needs to be the oldest one. If you have two or more options, chose the one who's the best overall. For penalties and free kicks pick the one with the best atk score. For corners your second best midfielder
Hello managers,
How to counter 433 b wing play?
I have better team 200m+ difference but it’s away game and his stadium level is 1 -
Hi, im chelsea playing MNU tonight he is 3 points in front on #1 and im on #2. His Tactics: 523 counter I have double the value in my team (889 v 411) though im still concerned we will draw.
Which tactic will provide the best chance to win this? (Also playing home and am going to camp
@ZionTucker - There is a formal tactics page for this.
Hello everyone!
I have a league match tonight. How do I beat a 532 breakaway having a slightly stronger team? -
@Melk23 4-3-3 wing play, don't play too attacking.
@Suvven 433 a/b? Ok wing okay.
But, How should I put all the other tactics? Please! -
Forwards attack only, midfielders stay in position, defenders defend deep.
I would go zonal marking and no offside trap, but maybe you have a preference here? Tackling depends on ref, I never play hard tackling unless the ref is green, otherwise normal tackling. If the ref is red, you decide if you want to take the risk of soft tackling.
Sliders 60-70/50-60/65-75.
@Suvven Thanks a lot, you were very kind. I'll take care of the referee. But the 433 you mean B or A?
Don't thank me yet, those tactics might be rotten (fingers crossed).4-3-3 A or B depends on how you see your midfield, if you think your midfield is equal or stronger go B, if weaker go A.