Game Updates
Payment system removedPayment system Fortumo was removed from our Shop. This means you can't buy Boss Coins through Fortumo anymore.
Buying Boss Coins is possible through Google Wallet or on our Website.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
@harry-poon ok!
@harry-poon We need more updates on android version to catch up with ios version.
@adhurim-dakajj said in Game Updates:
@harry-poon We need more updates on android version to catch up with ios version.
What would you like to see?
@harry-poon As I have mentioned before, you can start with this one.
@adhurim-dakajj said in Game Updates:
@harry-poon As I have mentioned before, you can start with this one.
Yes, we would all like to see this on Android as well. Unfortunately, this is not on the agenda for now. Mostly because we're focusing on other functionalities.
@harry-poon Please put it in agenda
Not immediately, but for the future.. -
Hello, @Harry-Poon we would like to see in the version for IOS the times of each transfer as in the android version.
@vitor-pessa said in Game Updates:
Hello, @Harry-Poon we would like to see in the version for IOS the times of each transfer as in the android version.
Can you explain what you mean exactly by that?
@harry-poon I think he means that he wants to see around what time a transfer took place
Daddy Poon, give us the ability to change our nicknames for a specific amount of Boss Coins
@thunderbolt-zeke_nl that's right!
Deadline scouted players
When the Scout returns, there's a deadline to buy the players that he brought. The deadline was always set at 6 hours. Because these players are reserved and can't be bought by other managers, we wanted to shorten this deadline. It's now set at 30 minutes. This means players that aren't bought from the Scout will be available for the rest earlier!
@harry-poon can the scout come back quicker than 16 hours then mate? A lot like to buy all 3 players in battles, 30mins isn’t long enough when players get more expensive
@harry-poon Hello. Then I think it will come in 2 hours and not in 16 hours. Because it would be fair. But if you stay 16 hours then the thing is bad.
@jeffro-davies said in Game Updates:
@harry-poon can the scout come back quicker than 16 hours then mate? A lot like to buy all 3 players in battles, 30mins isn’t long enough when players get more expensive
I think half the time would be resonable, so 8 hours for the scout to return would be nice
@jeffro-davies Yes, that's a good idea
@xedua94 said in Game Updates:
We had no design for this feature but I will post it there in the future as well!
@Harry-Poon what about the time it takes for the scout to come back with players? Will this be reduced as well? Or will we not be compensated, thus meaning that we still have to wait 16 hours until it returns, with the chances of not having enough money to buy those players in 30 minutes?