Divisions - Discussion/Questions....
Today I lost the game in three slots, statistically I killed my opponent, so I was better. I lost about 4000 medal points
. Where is the logic?
Majstor Mattreplied to Vincent Ado Kompany on 28 Jun 2021, 07:14 last edited by Majstor Matt 28 Jun 2021, 07:14
Meanwhile I finished on Sunday USA League with NY Red Bulls where I had 26W 0D 0L, won the cup. Season end medal bonus: +2500 medals. Complete joke. If I had lost only 2 games I would've been in negative medal status for the league... -
Nice idea to remove the visibility on the evolution of medals with the last update ... It will prevent people from sending screenshots on the debility of the system on the forum
We can more easily compare with others manager with - 2000 medals in a high level champion, first and two defeats for 10 victories for example.
While alone in a championship against computers we are sure to win medals ..
Nice update, Clever.Please make
something quickly for this ranking of medals !! Only one account taken into account, that the championships open!!!! That we can find pleasure in playing and not stop
What a move indeed... Unbeliveble... -
@SpecialOne The first changes today look interesting, we'll see over time ...
We can't wait for the big changes to follow. Anyway, thank you for taking our feedback into consideration. -
@timilic7 My league started before this changes so I dont know If "new rules" apply on its season end bonus (they were applied for daily medals) but this does not look promising.
Why? Well we always hear things like "season end bonus will balance things out".. well lets look at this, I was playing a VIP league filled with lvl 9 and 10 managers (7 PC's at end, but they were mostly filled teams untill half of the league) and this is what I get. Bonus that is almost smaller then 1 defeat I had in whole league. For a record of 31-6-1 this is ridiculously low for such a hard league
Majstor Mattreplied to Majstor Matt on 9 Aug 2021, 06:33 last edited by Majstor Matt 9 Aug 2021, 06:33
@majstor-matt Also considering the fact that manager number 2 in the league finished with -2262 medals, I think Im the only one who finished in positive numbers in this league (I got massive +1500 medals in total) -_-
@majstor-matt Hi mate!
Seems like you're not the only one that isn't too much a fan of this. The update to the amount of Manager Medals you get is ridiculous...
@majstor-matt I agree with you...
I haven't played for 10 days, which I had never done. And for a few weeks now I have been playing on 1 account, two maximum instead of 3 or 4 all the time....I finish my boss coin and I stop osm i think. After 8 years of playing, around 350 championships, almost 600 trophies, a few years in the top 10 world...
@timilic7 said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
@majstor-matt I agree with you...
I haven't played for 10 days, which I had never done. And for a few weeks now I have been playing on 1 account, two maximum instead of 3 or 4 all the time....I finish my boss coin and I stop osm i think. After 8 years of playing, around 350 championships, almost 600 trophies, a few years in the top 10 world...
Yeah, sad days indeed. The most irritating part is that cheaters are constantly on top of global ranking no matter how much I report them. One gets banned, another cheater there to replace him, simply cause it is the only way to climb in these current system
@timilic7 sad to see many great managers like you quitting this game. I know many have done it, some because of ranking, some because of old battles and some others because of battle coins. Its just sad to see this game dying in competitive way.
@timilic7 said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
After 8 years of playing
8 years ago you signed up and someone who had been playing for some time left because he was fed up with OSM probably also the one he left at that time said so 'osm has changed I don't like it anymore' but you liked it so much you are committed to becoming one of the best top 10, remember that tomorrow you leave , 1000 new managers will enter the game and at least 10 of them will play continuously for 8 years, it is a cycle
, you will miss the old osm system, but one thing is certain at OSM old system you will not miss them, everything is evolving even ourselves, we just have to adapt to the changes
@timilic7 It's all about competing in the right leagues. If my only goal was the OSM ranking I would have stop playing a long time ago. But as I started to compete individually in Regional Championships, National Championships and in a Portuguese-Brazilian Super League and with my crew in FMS, CCW and others, my interest in the game rised.
Go for it, bro! And forget the OSM Ranking. The non-competitive players will always be on top. Find other goal!
Thanks for your contribution to the game, bro!
@ruipsc5 You are absolutely right, osm-ranking is not connected to competitiveness at all. I totally agree with you - there are many other ways to compete and have fun.
If there would be a ranking for competiteveness, that would be great! But this would need a whole new points system or even a new ranking system.
My pleasure in this game was multiple
To play battles with my crew, not the current osm duels without strategy which are in fact only individual championships in disguise. I'm talking about real old-fashioned battles.Another pleasure, playing high level championships against good coaches
But also play championships with friends for fun
And finally to be able to try to climb the world rankings of this game which I have been playing for so many years. Why not become world champion ... Even if manager BL wins every time
Except that battles no longer exist and are prohibited, no more wcc with my crew
And that it is no longer possible to be able to both have fun and face any type of manager, while seeking to reach the top of the only official individual ranking of this game that we love so much.
So for me either I do things thoroughly, or I do not do them .. And the method of calculating the medals does not allow to do things thoroughly since we have to choose between the 2 ... Even GB is contradictory , it is necessary to choose between the osm duel and the tops of the world ranking.
So playing a game where the top representatives, the leader of the rankings supposed to represent us are mostly (not all) average players or cheaters, sometimes in the game for 4 months ... No thanks -
@timilic7 said in Divisions - Discussion/Questions....:
I understand you very well. When I started this game guy number one in ranking was a Romanian Guy called Mario Lacatus. He and his crew ruled for years and they was 101% the best in the world, individually with Mario Lacatus and as a crew with Ro Mania.
The spirit to emulate those guys was very very high in me.
After years I met some of my "osm heroes" as @Andrei_jardel, @don_king_bosano, @MotaNelu @leucostin and in some cases we become friends too.
Today I don't know who's number one in individual ranking and I don't know even if he has a crew and I don't know if a newcomer in Osm would be happy to meet current number one in some years as I have been when i met guys from Ro-Mania. -
@rafelmaz I have known that time and faced all these excellent players ...
I agree with everything you say especially when you see that in All countries and in the world ranking, 90% of the top players in each ranking play closed championships against the computer to make 0 losses or multi accounts
It's so easy GB, as some people already said you even may keep this medal system, but we just ask you to bring back the manager points system, this is an opinion of a guy that plays this just for fun, will keep playing for now, lost an account from about 2012, came definitely in 2015 and if there was something that captivated me all this years were the manager points and to be on the top-100 of the ranking. Those systems can coexist! If it's not a idea to bring it back I'm pretty sure that sooner or later I'll be one more 'old school' manager abandoning this game, it's not as attractive for me, and you guys were unique, simple, fun game, for example, I've started playing Top Eleven about the same time that I play OSM, and guess which game was my preference every time? For example, when I had to choose between one of them to have on my phone my choice was always OSM, and guess who is starting playing Top Eleven again even if it's not that funny and simple as OSM... Using a Portuguese expression, in this case it's possible to "please Greeks and Trojans", do it GB
@JonnyPT2001 I'd rather we were allowed to do classic battles than have GB hand out manager points.
It's a pity of course that this system has been removed, but one thing must be said.
This system was not perfect either, there are many, many, many players that I played who were maybe not super well ranked in this manager point system but they were as good as a top 100 player or even better, so this system of coach points for me never the real level of the players even if I agree that it is much more consistent than the medal systemo -
@otman347891 Yes you are right but it allowed to play the coaches classification AND to make championships for fun or for hight level champ !!!!!
The main problem is there with the medals .. It is the ranking OR everything else (with friends, osm duel, crew championships etc ......)
If the osm world championship is organized with the first 100 medals, most will refuse to participate in order not to lose medals and therefore fall by 1000 places or more
by losing matches ... And therefore only play against computer for example