First of all I would like to congratulate Gamebasics for returning to the Fantasy League, we also have to praise when they get something right.
Now for the criticisms, particularly GameBasics had to go wrong with something, as always, why the Fantasy League cannot be created?
This is practically unreal, it totally escapes the essence of fantasy league, one of the biggest emotions was you create fantasy league and invite your friends, and you compete with each other, with the teams that each set up.
Put the Fantasy League back, as it was originally, in which it could becreated by any user
. And in the creation tools, I had the option toSet budget (50M, 100M or 150M)
. And he coulddefine the number of teams
he would want in the league.You leaving it the way it is makes it impossible for people to create this type of league to play with friends, as well as making these leagues impossible for individual competitions that take place in each community forum. This is really unfortunate.
Signed: a player in love with this game, who has been playing this game for over 6 years and was almost stopping playing, however, with the return of the fantasy league, he gave an encouragement to continue playing
@Language-TR -
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@би-кевин-кристиан SIMPLY THAT!!!!!!!!! Please Gamebasics, add this!