Avatar update
Regarding the topic of avatars, everything has been said here since the announcement, but regarding inappropriate content - I believe that this option should not have been introduced.
First - the program cannot determine 100% what is inappropriate and what is not. Also, that option should not have been introduced in the manager chat - we chat with other managers, it happens that we say an "inappropriate word", sometimes it is in the hall, sometimes not. This program function should have been introduced on the forum, it would have saved OSM Staff up to 50% of their time spent on the forum.
And now I'm going back to the avatar
The fact is that one crew, one manager lost his identity with the avatar. 30% of managers have my avatar. What is the purpose? Except to free up more memoryPS. I expect answers to the two questions I asked
We are 1% because only 1% of players are using forums because they've killed the forum activity by forbidding almost everything here, threating with bans (and many times even locking accounts), locking topics very soon. Thats why many players don't care to open forums anymore.
My thoughts are that the real reason behind this changes I think its because their servers are being overloaded with pictures and they're making actions to 'save' them as much as they can, thats why they brought medals instead of manager points. There's nothing about 'inappropriate images'. I can't remember one time I saw any inappropriate image. And even if there were, wouldn't be a problem to detect and punish them.
Anyway we're just wasting our time here. We have to deal whatever they bring here or we just quit. There's not any other option. In those 4-5 years Ive been active, I remember only one good update and it was the Friendly Battle League, nothing else.
Perhaps another reason was to be able to sell new avatars, emblems, stickers, etc. to the community in the future. At least that would not surprise me. Unfortunately.
I really don't like such updates...
It's like, due to a few idiot drivers, let's ban all cars from the road.
The world upside down in my opinion.
Current avatars are also just trash, sorry. -
@bembelmän Yup, my main guess as well. Sooner or later there will be option for that.
And that is okay for me.. but at least be open about it and dont hide behind the"safety" and "inappropriate content"... -_-
@diogovarela7 said in Avatar update:
Good morning. @SpecialOne
I'm not someone who expresses myself a lot here on the Forum, but this time it reached the limit. I come to show my total displeasure with this latest update, which shows a disrespect for an entire community of OSM. You (Staff) trample on longtime Crews, prestigious national and international competitions, and so on...
This Avatar update means authentically removing the identity from a large section of the game.
And what frustrates me the most, is that no one is ever being consulted about these changes. There's never a poll to find out what the community wants. Because of a small minority, you harm a considerable lot of managers, many of them with years and years of dedication and investment in OSM.
I've been playing since 2010 and I have tolerated many game updates and competition prohibitions from you, the OSM Staff, over these past few years. Now, enough is enough. I'm sending a complaint email to Gamebasics.
Excellent post. I’ve been playing since around 2012 for 10 years too. Completely agree with all this.
Also these silly promotions, pay £5+ for more chance sales and speedy scout, while people in the same leagues don’t get this unless they pay makes it completely unfair and can be thrown in, in middle of competitions and can’t do anything about it. Please can we have the choice and have an option to turn these off with moderator options when creating leagues.
Every single update is to create more money and it makes the game worse or less fair play. Just pure greed at this point to a game that already make lots of money without destroying fair play in competitions and private leagues.
Avatars will soon be made available to buy 100% that will be the next move.
Friendly battles was a good update, but the only one in years I can remember. Even though it is good the main reason for doing this is to make GB/miniclip lots of money/BC spend. I don’t think this wouldn’t have been done otherwise.
I’m playing this game less and less over the years because of poor updates to the game. I’m not even playing in one league at the minute.
Gamebasics is removing players' own identities as well as battlegroups with this new update. They are thinking about the economic part and not about the harmony of communities. It's the worst game update ever. I'm sorry, but I disagree with such a measure of the game, so I will stop playing after the active leagues are completed.
I agree wholeheartedly with both posts. @diogovarela7 @jeffro-davies
I would like to draw attention to another point here. most countries do not live under the same economic conditions. In the netherlands, the united kingdom or arab countries, these coins may not mean anything, but for example in my country (Turkiye), such extra money-demanding developments are quite hurtful. This eliminates the fair competition environment. Many incredible managers I know stop playing in the face of these increasingly bizarre developments. If you don't fight with good players, the struggle is meaningless.
There are many ways to prevent something, you as software developers are much more competent than us in this regard, I think it is a great disrespect to destroy the avatars or team logos that people have carefully prepared. as in the past, you could send a poll for some updates and check the pulse. however, the motto "we want it to be like this, it will be like this" is quite wrong and really contrary to the contemporary world order. Before forcing people to make some improvements, you should either consider what it will cause you to lose, or look at what effect this has on the mechanics of the game.
With the last update, the scout system is also down. it never returns with the player in the desired criteria. why push the boundaries even more when people are already hanging on to this game by a thread? There is only one thing everyone wants, fair and enjoyable play.
I hope that your sense of justice and enjoyment will not be lost.
@SpecialOne @mangetsu35I've been playing this game for 13 years and we are aware that the game is trying to increase its own profit rather than the players while every update is made, many of our good friends have left the game and will continue to quit, unless you prevent this, me and many of my dear friends will give up on this game. In every update, we can't help but think about what they ruined this time. What we call the update should improve the game and not ruin it even more. I ask you to listen to the voice of the players and fix the bugs instead of the updates you want and provide us more opportunities. Do not take it away from the people who play this game passionately.
The game is officially dead.
After manager points being removed that's the 2nd and final part of the mission called ''killing managers identity''.
I have to finish 2 more tournaments and after that it's GAME OVER for me after more than a decade of playing this game.I also must say I never saw such a high level of greed in all my life, it's unbelievable. To play competitive you have to spend 50-100e per month. For such a simple boring one season game. (the community made the game interesting with different tournaments, NOT GB. )
But what can you expect from a game where top of the rankings are cheaters with multi-accounts and no one cares about them, from a game where Hall of Fame managers are people who spent 1.000e, played one league and disappeared while managers who are playing 10-15 years are irrelevant???What to say about a game with allegedly ''hundreds of thousands'' of managers but 0 tournaments organized by GB? About a game where in the only ''official'' thing called official battles you play against same 5-6 crews for 5 years...
Update after update it's getting worse...not to mention the ridiculous packs where you can buy events for yourself etc.
The game is just sick!
@renato-pratas I wholeheartedly agree. I remember when I first payed OSM in 2017, it was so much fun. After a few years I saw the points system disappear which was already so weird to me. Many more things followed and now THIS? Man, atleast I can represent anime on the forum, but I really liked using this profile picture as a badge of honour almost. What we have now is simply shameful...
All i'm thinking off, is another cash grab from GB.
In a few weeks, maybe months if we're lucky, they will introduce a 'season pass' for 9,99 every month where you can obtain 'special' avatars. -
Edited: English only!
Give back our avatars
calm people GB will include for $ 9.99 per month the option to place a profile picture. This is ridiculous
If MenagerBL don't want to play this game already, i have nothing to say. Developers just don't care about the community, but care about their money a lot...
@specialone First of all, I would like to show my gratitude to the OSM team by sending us the explanation of the measure that has been carried out. However, I must show my disagreement with it due to the fact that, as coaches and trainers, we are seeing limited our freedom to add a photo of our liking restricted due to the fact that there is a minority phenomenon from which some people upload photos showing hatred , contempt or obscenity. Precisely because it is somewhat minor, responsible coaches do not have to see ourselves limited because there is a small number of irresponsible people, the solution lies in the fact that an option is included to report those profiles that result be inappropriate.
With regard to the new avatars and the LGTBI flag, I have to say that I personally do not mind that some coach or trainer puts it on their profile, not at all, because it must be respected, however, that it is included within a new package of mandatory images indicates that the development team has adopted a behavior that intends to compulsorily promote something that is already respected by most players, at least in their photos, you yourselves are acknowledging it by saying that obscene images suppose the minor part. As a coach who is passionate about the game, I ask that you reconsider the measure, which can be replaced by the aforementioned option to be able to report obscene profiles. Do not force to use images by default.
Also, finally, before censoring a comment, think about it objectively and without bias, because sometimes what seems like an insult really isn't, and if you censor indiscriminately, the only thing you will achieve is losing players.
If the measure persists, I will be forced to abandon the game.
Receive a cordial greeting.
Well, I think this topic clearly shows you done messed up Gamebasics, congratulations!
It literally takes me two seconds to think of a solution; allow managers to upload their own images when they reach manager level 5, maybe level 6? This way you don't have to deal with low level accounts doing weird things.
But then again, I know you are going to do nothing with this anyway. Have fun counting the money in Zoetermeer, cheers!
whats up with this avatars
if they had this in mind for a while should of atleast took their time to create better avatars
smh. taking the profile pics off is not improving the game. looks like theyre focusing in the wrong things