Avatar update
They don't get tired of ruining the game. All for not wanting to work and respond to complaints of improper photos.
So finally they ended up with the identities of the groups, now we are faceless people merely users with a name that will also be removed soon and we will have the nick User#xxxx9, for me as a player it was the end point.
@feelstrikex I cant have Flicks oder Nagelsmanns avatar, but 30% managers will have same avatar as me
I dont want it
@fear-force there's actually a lot of LGBTQIA+ people in our world, it's ok if u aren't but at least respect them
Wow, less than 50 options for avatar
Brilliant, just brilliant update.
Also for crews.. less than handfull of flags?! What the hell hahhaa ridiculous
i truly cannot believe this. the little identity that each player, each group, and each national team had, is now in the mud. i mean, update by update things are getting to a point where it is no fun at all, and more and more pay to win. this is the way y'all want the game to progress? well, sorry guys, but the game is not progressing, is getting worse.
don't come to me saying that we have innapropriate profile/group avatars, personally i haven't found one yet, and you, osm community staff, should have the sources to remove each one that appears, and apply the consequences to that manager/managers and that i respect, of course, and it's perfectly reasonable.
each update is making the game worse, and worse, starting by the points system, the avatars, and ending in those packs or something that you buy to have less time in trainings or whatever.
this is the path you want the game to follow? well, it sucks, purely sucks. now what? we'll have groups and managers with the same avatars? what about our identity? doesn't count? don't joke with our faces, it is enough.
thanks for reading, i'll wait for the next ********** updat******* -
i think beeing gay is not a religionbut well; maybe the rainbow-flag just stands for tolerance and hey, u are not forced to use it.
It's your game, if you make a mistake, don't blame the players or the volunteers, I only ask that because in fact, besides the background music, the rest was always making the game worse;
I even thought it was idiotic that when they saw that no one liked this aesthetic change presented a few days ago they weren't going to go ahead with it, but in fact I think that either the players stopped playing or we'll have a game more and more like the other games;
Seriously? You guys are killing the game! You already ruined with the boss coins, now you wanna take our identity???? How I suppose to battle in the crew with no identity? With no logo? You guys sck! I really love the game, but you guys ruined the game, now I'm desapointed and frustrated also! Now many players going to leave the game tanks to the sit update, thanks guys!
@specialone thats really good. "bitte" which means "please" in German is now offensive. So don't be kind?
Tomorrow the names of the players will be changed to User744329610(hugosoares88) you will see, because I will not
@fear-force is it a bad thing?
I think, each person can be as she wants, not? -
My favorite club FK Novi Pazar is inappropriate -
@ado-hackovic it is not Novi Pacar, its Munich
I don't know what they want to do with the game but they're embarrassing, they should apologize for killing the game
Both are my favorite clubs
I am from Novi Pazar. Now I live in one city in Bavaria. -
@fear-force No one cares about your ideology or what you think, just like no one cares if someone else is gay or not, if you don’t like what you do in this world? You think everyone should be like you, get out of this world, clown.