CC 55: Tussenstanden
Tussenstand CL (19/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................11123
- Imperium................................8610
- Looking for Silverware..........6953
- OSM Striker Ultras.................6923
- GoodFellas.............................6915
Tussenstand EL (19/43):
Just Relax 9846
OSM Striker Pro Squad 8040
BeNeCrew 6882
Online Football Federation 4728
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3210
Tussenstand EL (20/43):
Just Relax 9834
OSM Striker Pro Squad 8028
BeNeCrew 6270
Online Football Federation 5730
S.V. Oikos Nomos 3144
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (20/39)
Golden Glory 5515
The OSM Tigers 4955
Orange Blood Titans 4655
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 3345
Same Vision 3165
The Royal Victorians 2930
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (21/39)
Golden Glory 5605
The OSM Tigers 4945
Orange Blood Titans 4845
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 3290
Same Vision 3080
The Royal Victorians 2990
Tussenstand CL (21/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................11175
- Imperium................................9675
- Looking for Silverware..........7545
- GoodFellas.............................6713
- OSM Striker Ultras.................6675
Tussenstand Eredivisie A (22/39)
Golden Glory 5665
The OSM Tigers 5205
Orange Blood Titans 4950
Veni, Vidi, Vici. 3305
Same Vision 3170
The Royal Victorians 3035
Tussenstand CL (22/43)
- Kanarifuglene......................11250
- Imperium................................9750
- Looking for Silverware..........7695
- GoodFellas.............................6713
- OSM Striker Ultras.................6675
25 Jan 2017, 14:15
2 Mar 2017, 14:11