Winners cup and new season
i have created a private league and i received a winners cup ticket but I have also created a "next season" league that should follow on from the old one. Does someone know it it will be created after the winners cup or it will be on a different slot?
Thanks -
@Charperezi league will start from beginning. You dont have option to keep your "old" team in another season (except Champions Cup). So ticket you can use on any of slots and league will start on the same slot where was league.
@jasiuk88 yeah for the "old" team i know, my question was really about the slots but you answered it
and do you know if we can play with our friends in the same winners cup? thank you
@Charperezi you cannot choose which Champions Cup you will play. I had situation that me and my friend get same day ticket and use it in the same time but we was transfered to separate Chamipons Cup
@jasiuk88 yeah i saw that, hope they'll improve that point soon ! thank for your responses
@Charperezi hope so! But recently updates not make games "better " so I dont belive
will be too much option for cheaters!
There're no plans to allow users to select which Champions cu they will play in for several reasons, being the major ones:
- Unbalanced teams - the system now matches the teams with the closest squad value possible
- Matching time - if we let users pick the leagues they want to play, it will take ages to fill leagues or if we set a deadline, lots of leagues will have a couple teams only
- Cheating - having users picking the league they want to play, will boost cheating on these leagues
@SpecialOne On this one I completelly agree with you. Exactly for those reasons, current system is really good.