__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
And let's go to the knockout phase!
All the rules are here:
Here are the lineups and the teams HOME and AWAY:
These are the moderators and the battles:
:flag_pl: vs :flag_fr:
:flag_it: vs :flag_eg:
:flag_br: vs :flag_tn:
:flag_pt: vs :flag_ro:
:flag_ar: vs :flag_uy:
:flag_ru: vs :flag_be:
:flag_ea: vs :flag_nl:
PM nominated by the Netherlands
:flag_id: vs :flag_gb:
All leagues should be created on Wednesday, November 23, in Honduras between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. (server time) following these parameters:
Doubts look for me or write in the WNT chat.
@Adilmo-Rocha Ok, timilic7 will create the league at 8h30 pm
Good luck to all teams ! -
:flag_ea: vs :flag_nl:
PM nominated by the Netherlands
goal 1 Christiano Mengelaldo
goal 3 Naruto Uzumaki 2014
goal 5 Sneak-a-freak
goal 7 Ilsalvador
goal 9 Braamsie -
@paul-mestrot-40 said in __WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__:
@Adilmo-Rocha Ok, timilic7 will create the league at 8h30 pm
Good luck to all teams !Ilsavador or myself will be moderator and invites will be sent!
@Adilmo-Rocha The flag to Turkey is incorrect.. This flag is correct >> :flag_tr:
Everything ok for creating the leagues?
:flag_pl: vs :flag_fr:
:flag_it: vs :flag_eg:
:flag_br: vs :flag_tr:
:flag_pt: vs :flag_ro:
:flag_ar: vs :flag_uy:
:flag_ru: vs :flag_be:
:flag_ea: vs :flag_nl:
:flag_id: vs :flag_gb:
@Adilmo-Rocha Your organization is really enjoyable :goal:
@Adilmo-Rocha Thank u very much for your nice comment dear
created and invitations sent. -
invitations sent
http://prntscr.com/dayjb5 -
All leagues created without incident! I appreciate the cooperation of the moderators! :hugging:
Here are the leagues you to follow closely !!!
:flag_pl: vs :flag_fr:
:flag_it: vs :flag_eg:
:flag_br: vs :flag_tr:
:flag_pt: vs :flag_ro:
:flag_ar: vs :flag_uy:
:flag_ru: vs :flag_be:
:flag_ea: vs :flag_nl:
:flag_id: vs :flag_gb:
Who will be the 8 best nations that will qualify for the next phase? I'd like to know your bets!
These are mine:
:flag_pl: :flag_it: :flag_br: :flag_pt: :flag_ar: :flag_ru: :flag_ea: :flag_gb:
Are the others going to contradict me ???
For me it would only change to france for poland
- Poland :flag_pl:
- Italy :flag_it:
- Brasil :flag_br:
- Hm, I guess it will be a really great battle, but Romania will win with a few points difference :flag_ro:
- Argentina :flag_ar:
- Will see :flag_ru: vs :flag_be:
- Spain :flag_es:
- Indonesia :flag_id:
I'm sure we will have great battles ... I can not imagine great differences, but rather tight results!