__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
Great is the doubt!
@Adilmo-Rocha One of the hardest battles. At the end of the survey I do not think there will be any difference between the percentages. I hope that Turkey is the winner.
@ALİ-KOÇ-61 Great job bro
Spain vs Netherlands - Day 7 / 22
Spain vs Netherlands - Day 8 / 22
@Mano-Meneses. They are doing everything that comes from their hands to win.
I'm sure it will, but we're also looking for a win, it's going to be difficult, but we're only going to stop fighting after the last round and win the best. In the name of the Brazilian Team of OSM, I would like to thank the words of support of the Turkish Team on 29th.
Chapecó stopped, Brazil stopped, America stopped, the World stopped, We cried together, we suffered together, and we saw how good the human being is, many positive gestures, a lot of help and support, besides the many tributes to our eternal Champions.
We only have to thank for the Faiy Play shown by the selection of Turkey, you are great.