__WNT 2016/2017 - General Info__
WNT R3 Romania vs Hungary
17/22:flag_ro: 1238
:flag_hu: 940 -
Round 2 - Last 16
And great is the expectation to know the 16 selections that advance to the next phase! Remembering who now will lose out!
We will go to Honduras!
Keep an eye on the calendar:
21/11 - Information on the 16 classified and their positions
22/11 - Deadline for posting lineups (with moderator and captain)
23/11 - Creation of the leagues and beginning of the battles of Round 2 - Last 16!
In order not to be late, I ask that all results be posted until 10 am on November 21, already confirmed by the captains.
On Monday I come back with the definitions!
Spain vs Poland - Day 18 / 22
Mexico vs Indonesia
Matchday 20/22 -
Spain vs Poland - Day 20 / 22
Oh my God!
good luck to egypt -
Final Results?
@Adilmo-Rocha Last 30 minute
Spain vs Poland - Day 22 / 22 (Poland has confirmed)
:flag_it: Italy : 1238
:flag_be: Belgium : 1211Final score confirmed by their captain.
Congratulations to my nationalmates for great days with they. And congrats to our opponents for exciting battle win by us in the last round.
Good luck for next battles