Champions league 16/17
@boufaljja Leicester City is doing well they might surprise the Champions League like they surprised us in Premier League last season.
Dual Algerian.
Riad Mehrez and Slimani -
Wont be easy, but I believe that Real Madrid is capable of becoming the first team to defend the title of the Champions League (since its called this way). VAMOSS!
@Majstor-Matt Are you guys not tired of winning the CL? Please give us a chance. haha
Everytime I speak with my friend who supports other teams, they all say ''How many CLs have you won?''.
And when I hear that question my reaction:
Never! Winning CL title is the most prestigious thing you can do in club football and of course no one can get tired of winning it
I'd take CL title over La liga title any day
But would be nice to win double as well once for a change
@Majstor-Matt One day Arsenal will win our first CL title and you wont stop hearing about it from me.
@King-Noel As long it does not involve kicking out Real Madrid (like Henry once did argh) I'm okay and good luck with that
The championship this season between Barcelona and Bayern Munich
@Majstor-Matt Na, we won't kick you out. I will make it better for you and give that job to your friendly neighbourhood Barcelona.
@boufaljja add Madrid
@boufaljja discussed mate
@boufaljja Barcelona or Real Madrid
@boufaljja okey mate
@King-Noel other King Henry
@King-Noel Robert Pires, Bergkamp, Viera... Legend Time