Champions league 16/17
@Majstor-Matt I can't wait
@Majstor-Matt yes sure but the El Clasico is in Spain, Europe Super Cup is in my country
I'm here, and I wanted Juve to win, do you know why? Because of Buffon and because if it happened I could say that the club of my heart (FC Porto) was eliminated by the winner of the UCL. Nothing to do with Barรงa vs Real wars. Football isn't it.
Congratulations to your beloved Real!
Poor Buffon... he did must win the Champions
Mate you are typical barca fan...Why you didn't supported Juve and Buffon in 1/4 final?
Why you didn't supported Juve and Buffon if you are not barca fan? ahahahah
visca el barca are words of a barca fan, and "Oh my Barca" shows you was concerned after lose from Juve...And guess what? Vs Real you support the club who even kicked you out... ahahah -
Yap, I'm a Barรงa fan. Today I was supporting Juve. In a Barรงa vs Juve, I support Barรงa, because it's a team that I like. And? Do you think that today I supported Juventus because it was Real Madrid in the other side? If it was a Juve vs Bayern, for example, I would support Juve. Well, you don't know me. I hate football rivalries. Buffon is simply a legend and I liked that he had finished with a Champions. It's simple.
You are supporting Juve because Buffon? ok. Next time when play Real vs Juve without Buffon you will support Real? Or if Bayern play vs Real you will support Real? Sure... -
When it happens, I will support nobody. Because that is indifferent to me. What matters to me are the teams that I like, not the ones that are my rivals (hate that word).
Good night to you, and congratulations, RM have a great team, and deserved to win this UCL!
Congrats to all Madrid supporters for winning the UCL back to back :first_place:
Hala Madrid! Unbelieve second part!
Whoa, unbelievable to describe what I felt last night. History you made, history you'll make... HALA MADRID!!!
@AlbertoSab12 super second half,juve stop playing after second goal.
That's quite a good start for Zidane's carreer as a manager, starting with two Champions League thropees in his first two seasons.
I feel some pity for Juve though, this is the 7th CL final that they lost out of 9 attempts. Must be a frustrating score.
@SIRclitjeslikker_NL someday they will win it too,but not in next maybe 4 years
madrid champiooons 12
@alvarorr_98 Do You belive it
? why not Saraagossa