[Crews] Crew Recruitment
@πάνος-όπως-πόνος said in Crew recriument for New team:
Hi mates. I Just fixed a brand New team. The cause OS to find active players tha are intresing in battles and private leuges. If u like what u read serch for the team name, good hope, or leave comment bellow to invite u.
@πάνος-όπως-πόνος said in Dragon Force:
Dragon Force is a grand New team. This team mission is to play batlles and private leuges. Only active players. Find us or leave comment to find u.
Hallo pals. Dragon Force is grand New team woth hight expectetions. We have only active players and not trollers or bot players. The team is intresing to find New players that want to play batlles. If u want to br recruit pz join us 
Hi friends. I am a New player, in 4 days i will unlock my 4 slot. What i want from this game is to play battles and help a team get at the top. If any team here make progress and OS intresing in battles, plz invete me. I am daiky player woth 93% at winnigs.
Hi mate , tried searching you but can’t find you. Add me as a friend and message me . We can have a chat.
J Sweeney
Or crew is
GB lions
Hi everybody !
If you search one team so join "Droit au but". It's a clan with many french active players and we need your help for our future battle. We are french and we speak english not very well but you're not noobs ^^
We are waiting for you very quickly ! -
I'm a new player and having a good time with it, looking to join a competitive crew!
Recruitment is open in the Italian group of THE CLAN.
We are only looking for managers with experience and high level to improve the staff even more and aim to reach the top. -
The Championship urgently wants two managers to take part in a competitive Intercrew battle league. (You must have a free slot!)
It doesn't matter how your stats are, all you have to do is be active and listen to the captains and respect everyone.
We are a fun, ambitious, rising-to-the-top crew with old and new heads, in the Champions Division, using Discord as our main crew platform. (You need to install Discord!)
Send a request in the crew or send me a msg in OSM chat if you are interested or have any questions.
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@moukha-nakre I am looking to join your crew?
Los súper campeones are still openly recruiting
- we have 5 strong active captains
- constantly battle
- Semi pro división near pro division
- forum battles 5v5 starting nov 3
- active in Spanish server leagues like WLC and Liga Ñ
- Whatsapp group to organize
- looking for people who love the game and are willing to grow and be active
Message me in game if interested
It is too late, maybe next time... Contact @jeffro-davies -
crew the best soc
Who wants to join the crew
Two crews of two stars and continuing battles
Terms of accession
1-Daily interaction
2-Subscribe to the battles
3-Respect for members
4-Always triumph
Are you looking for a quality English speaking crew?
We will expect you to:
• Be active
• Have a whatsapp account
• Take part in battles
• Join the crew leagueWe are already playing three 10 day battles at a time and we want to play four.
If you’re interested send me a PM.
Don’t worry if your 4 slots are in use, we are patient!