[Crews] Crew Recruitment
** APW - Academy Polish Warriors ** starts recruitment ... !!!
We are looking for managers of the Polish OSM community.
We are part of the ** Polish Warriors ** team. One of the best groups in ** Poland **.
** Requirements ** are simple and specific:
** Active participation in the group chat on Discord (access code later) **
** Designation of one of the slots for group battles or group league **
** We wish individualists good luck in other groups **
If you want to join, write to @dooshek
Champions Squad (CHS) is looking for new members to join and battle. We looking to grow our crew and get higher medals & division!
Division: Semi-pro Division
Medals: 1,901 +/-
Main language: EnglishCrew Requirements:
• able to understand english
• be active
• reserve one game slot for crew battle
(If you don't have a open slot now, no problem join and later after your game is completed, reserve it for crew battles)Check us out: https://de.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crew/#customhtml
Hello fellow managers
I am one of those managers who are tired of changing crew after crew so now I want to join a crew which is good and battles in top tournaments organised by OSM and whose members are active my stats are given below:-
Overview W. D L Manager pts
Manager slot 1 50 22 19 2,277
Manager slot 2 52 11 10 4,286
Manager slot 3 27 12 12 1,114
Manager slot 4 15 2 3 1,141
Total 144 47 44 8,818Win percentage-61.27%
World Star
Ranking-2,196,368Also I don't have any social media account so I can only communicate through osm chat.
Hoping for positive response.
Spoiler Text
Hi guys
I would like to join an active crew
Thanks in advance -
@ialeksandari Can I join?
Hello everybody! Our crew, Hungarian Fighters is looking for well experienced managers in crew battles. If you want to try and join us, you only need to speak english and be active in game and in facebook messenger as more you can!
@afonso-miguel-carvalho Sure, why not, send us request
We are now in 3 star Division -
@ialeksandari Sent it now.
Hello guys, The Carpathian Bears also TCB is looking for members for battles and for people who are willing to grow with us.
My friend and I are good managers and got tired of growing other friends crews so decided to grow our own, we also have an impressive win rate with the last crew.
We are very active and we need people who are active aswell. If u want to know more search for TCB crew ingame or for cscrajin or vasilevsky and add us to your friends list.
Thank you and all the best! -
Idios Assassins are recruiting. I’m wanting very experienced managers. Minimum 2k games played. Using WhatsApp is needed and also understanding English without a translator. Mainly for competitions and maybe app battles in the future.
At the minute we’re only playing with one team because of the pay to win moderator tools. This might change in the near future but at the minute most of my crew are not interested in these.
If interested send me a PM in the game please.
We are looking for new members
Crew name: Evil Empire
JOIN US: https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crew/#customhtml
*** The Renegades Are Expanding ***
We at the Renegades are the second highest ranked English crew in OSM. We are getting a lot of requests for people joining our crew and were not wanting to waste the opportunity of finding a gem of a manager
So we have set up an academy crew for English or English speaking managers who are new to battling and want to give it a go. We require you to use watsapp and have a passion for the game, with the possibility of joining our main crew.
If anyone is interested in joining our ranks then please PM -
M lacey
George BassettAnd we will be sure to get you in and start battling ASAP
Looking for a crew?
Seeking to steer your career into the right direction? Then maybe you can be one of us, surely why not? Go ahead and take the plunge. The Championship Academy is currently recruiting, Maybe you can be one of usYour welcome to come and see more with us, See more, Do More, Be More
The Championship Academy is a CAP project
We have lots to offer, and there’s many reasons you may like to join The Championship:- Multinational Crew - There is no specific nationality required to join. Just a group of friendly guys from all over the globe enjoying management. We firmly believe The Championship are the most globalized crew on the game. We have had/have members from several countries. -Crew Leagues and Battles - - Discord Forum - Install and use Discord (we use Discord for communication, we do not use WhatsApp) There are lots of members who are active on our private forum threads too. Everyone's opinion is valued, and everyone's opinion is open to scrutiny and everyone respects that, got some very big personalities. - Crew Activities - We always capitalize on every opportunity we can to put our members forward to represent the crew in activities such as the Crews Cup World, FMS etc. and we have flourished in these tournaments before earning recognition against some of the very best crews in the game. Crew Requirements: • Able to understand and speak English • Active • Install and use Discord (we use Discord for communication, we do not use WhatsApp) • Reserve one game slot for crew battles • Reserve one game slot for crew league or any crew tournaments It doesn't matter if you don't have a game slot open now, but you have to reserve it for crew battles and crew league later after your game is completed.
Would you like to be part of this project?? If so, contact me or @Dhrubo-II, @Maris-14, @CosMoCuTiE or @Dennis-S-Bergkamp
@ado-hackovic said in Are you looking for new crew members?:
Hello everyone
We have just created a new crew, Wolves of Balkan School, with the goal of building new crew members. If someone is interested, contact me in the game, or @IvanAndal, @zenudin_m or @DomyOmega.
There are a few criteria that you would need to meet:- Activity in the game
- one slot free for battle
- the manager must be from the countries of the former Yugoslavia due to communication
depending on the results you will be promoted to WOB Academy and later to WOB
Hi. My name is Ivan. I'm the captain of Wolves of Balkan crew and the founder of most of the active and succesful Balkan crews.
We have just started a new project and we are looking for ambitious managers willing to actively play battles and cooperate with teammates.
There is a possibility of advancing to a crew which was top 10 in the world a month or two agoCommunication platform: FB Messenger
Communication language: English, Croatian/SerbianIf you are interested to join send me a PM
@hespera I am interested
Hi all!
Are you a Champion? Revenge is calling for you!
If you are a top manager, willing to improve even more your skills, your time to join one of the best crews in the world has come!
There are some criteria you need to meet:
- Being ambitious and focused on winning
- Activity in the game (1 daily login is not enough)
- 2 free slots for the Crew Competitions
- Being able to communicate in English (or Italian) is mandatory
- Use WhatsApp
Please fill the FORM (in english). We'll get in touch after analysing your application! Thank you! Avanti Revenge
This Recruitment Draft ends 18/06 (23h59 CET).
We are looking for new members
Just 4 months old, and already in 3 star Division!
Crew name: Evil Empire
JOIN US: https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crew/#customhtml
Idios Assassins are always on the lookout for very strong and experienced managers. WhatsApp and understanding English is essential . For the right managers you could join the 1st crew straight away.
We’re in the top divisions in Crew Cup World and also Crew Championship with very strong crews in both top divisions. We have a very high level playing in competitions and have for many years (take a look on our crews profile on desktop). We get invitations to a lot of competitions and these competitions and leagues are a lot better than app battles without BC compensation/timers on and people can play fairly without these moderator options on. Any nationality is welcome.
At the moment we’re not bothered about playing in the official app battles with the 1st crew but this could change in the future . The 2nd crew will play them and I’m also wanting to get them into competitions a month or two after taking over them.
We will be taking over another crew very soon on around 11k battle points and i will be lowering my very high standards for recruiting for our 2nd crew and a chance for good managers with not so good profiles to prove themselves and join the 1st crew. I will also start doing big, mixed crews leagues between both crews for the 2nd crew to prove themselves.
If interested in joining the 1st or 2nd crew send me a PM.
We are looking for new members
Crew name: Evil Empire
JOIN US: https://en.onlinesoccermanager.com/Crew/#customhtml