League Recruits
League: Nostagian Cup A
Pre-season day 3
Teams left 4/20: Czechoslovakia, Africa All-Stars, UK and Ireland, and Turkey
Dates: now until 2/5/2017 (first matchday 21/3/2017)
League number: 335864No transfers.
No scout.Send me a request if you’ll commit to playing until the end of the league.
Cheers! -
League: Albania
League number:
League Moderator: osm
Leading time remaining: 08 hours
Number of free league clubs: 9I like competitive and active agents
Alt metni -
@Bayram-Karakuş said in League Recruits:
League: Indonesia
League number: 38145005
League moderator: osm
League time remaining: 48 hours
Number of free clubs in the league: 11
The number of managers in the league: 11I expect managers who will love and be active.
League: African Championship
League number: 16249987
League moderator: osm
Week: 1/17
Number of free clubs in the league: 4
League: Netherlands
League moderator: osm
Week: 0/39 - starting today
Number of free clubs in the league: 8 -
Country: India
League moderator: osm
Week: 0/22
Number of free clubs in the league: 9Come one and enjoy with me!
In the 14/43 day in Brazil
League Name: Brazil
Teams 5/20 - 15 free teams
All options are enabled -
Hello , it rest 7 places in my league in Géorgia ! create yesterday evening ,
no TC no ST
Need managers for a competitive league still loads of teams remaining come join us :goal:
hope to see you there
@Didierluk said in League Recruits:
Country: Tunisia
League moderator: osm
Week: -3/34 (preseason)
Number of free clubs in the league: 9Only 1 team left! League starts on monday. Almost all teams taken, so you can get a lot of manager points!
Hey guys, looking for active managers to join me in my league
League NameTop Manager
League No.60015732
RoundPreparation day 1
No of teams left8 teams
I invite you to complete a goal, to learn together and play!
Cup: Yes
Preperation Day: 1
22/24 teams free
Settings: all yes -
@King_Jamiu_10 said in League Recruits:
Hey guys, looking for active managers to join me in my league
League NameTop Manager
League No.60015732
RoundPreparation day 3
No of teams left2 teams
Today I started a league in Lithuania on my slot 2. if you want a short and good fight feel free to join me.
Hi everybody !
I'm playing in a very interesting champ these days. And Manchester United and Arsenal are still available !
This is the information about the champ:
- Day 10
- 9 teams taking
- very good players on the transfert market (players between 75 and 110)
- Man U is on the 2nd place
- Arsenal is on the 11th place (good challenge ..)
So if you are interested, search my id (aletour) ! The champ name is written on Arabic
Thanks all