Football Master Series (FMS)
Crew name: Royal Eagles
Creation date: 27/03/2018
Manager who is going to represent our crew the actual edition: oussaada hicham
Could be your manager league moderator? : NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
jorgebusty7 Community Managerwrote on 7 Feb 2021, 23:16 last edited by jorgebusty7 7 Feb 2021, 23:17
Crew name: FURIA
Creation date: 30/01/2009
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: jairovic
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Zeitgeist
Creation date: 03/12/2011
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Sir-Ferdinand-Elm
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: La Coalición
Creation date: 24/09/2018
Manager who is going to represent our crew the actual edition: @Creador-de-futbol
Could be our manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: The Bulls 3.0
Creation date: 27/03/2018
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: Fernando Bonetto
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Polish Legends
Creation date: 5/6/2013
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @pb1984
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Losdeafuerasondepalo
Creation date: 21/12/2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Rodrigo-Imperial
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Hinchas Del Fútbol
Creation date: 24/04/2016
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @oscarjgm-1414
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Merah - Putih
Creation date: 19/03/2012
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Om-Fun6ky
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name
Creation date: 26/01/2018
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: kolonyagücü
Could be your manager league moderator? YesI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: El Potrero
Creation date : 14-02-2017
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @edgar-sarmiento-rosales
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Creation date: 27/01/2015
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Vwycboy
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Dracula RO Land
Creation date: 21/10/2010
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @nnane
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: RED SKULLS
Creation date: 12/10/2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @Rafa-Cunha
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Escorpiones Dorados
Creation date: 28-04-2015
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: Raúl Caruso Lombardi
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: THE BULLS
Creation date: 18/08/2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @carlosastiz
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: TeknoRed
Creation date: 30.03.2018
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @MehmetCetinTD
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Arab union
Creation date: 08/june/2016
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @reytinq
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: TeknoRed III
Creation date: 27.03.2018
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @wrathfulone
Could be your manager league moderator? NOI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a group and our manager who will participate in our name.
Crew name: Portvcale
Creation date: 18/09/2014
Manager who is going to represent your crew the actual edition: @rickypacheco
Could be your manager league moderator? YESI accept rules and we promise to follow it 100% both as a crew and our manager who will participate in our name.