Global top 100 list problem - Oficial GB/Miniclip statement about it?
Hello everyone in charge,
Since the introduction of the famous OSM Medals ranking global top 100 changed a lot and we got a massive amount of managers that are winning almost every other game easilly with 10+ goal difference and it results in their leagues having handball looking like goal differences (201-5, 175-101, 165-124, 135-152 etc. after 25ish rounds). In my spare time I have been tracking many of these TOP managers trying to learn from them but sadly all I come up against is them violating OSM TOU rules.
Of course, as a bit of a Gerard Butler lookalike I am, not physically but as a Law Abiding Citizen, every time I see a violation of OSM TOU I do a report and from what I can see I have a good detection rate as rarely any of those reports go as unsolved (for that I thank mr.Roel from support who handles those mails and reports).
Now, what Is the point of my post. Well in all these months sadly I dont see any change and always there are suspicious people obtaining most of the highest positions in the ranking. So my point and the question is, what is the official statement and stance of GB/Miniclip about Global Top ranking? Do you guys believe that we have a fair ranking and that everything is "clean" up there on top?
Also, do you guys have any special team or a single administrator whose job is checking at least top 100 managers regurarly to be sure there is no shady play up there, and If you dont then why not?
Anyway, I hope Im not bothering anyone, I was just curious about these couple things as I really would like us to all have the same chance to try and climb up high as possible on ranking, and sadly from what I am seeing at the moment, we do not have that chance...
I would really appreciate If we could get some official reply here as Im sure I am not the only one bothered with this situation
Thank you in advance!
Considering that we lately saw on forums people complaining about some of "top managers" in global medal ranking, I must ask again the following.
Do we have any progress about this? Will we have a fair and accessible ranking ever again?It is sad to see that small or no progress at all is being done and people boosting illegally their medals without punishment... while we who play competitive and open leagues are regurarly being punished for even winning a tournament!
For instance, just won a "Low countries tournament" registering only one defeat (group stage last round, secured knickout stages and versus TC) and I still ended up the competition wuth -33 medals in total! How is that logical?
While ranked are easilly surfing through their private and closed leagues with 100:2 goal diff..
Hi .. I think we will not have any answers to your questions .. Like the topic created on Friday in the support tab too, about the world number 2 .. Typical example of what is happening. 4 closed accounts against computers or against multi. And in addition very little boss corner spent because no transfers, no training camp, no friendlies etc ...
And for us, we have championships against real opponents or with 1 or 2 losses you lose medals at the end of the season.
M Majstor Matt referenced this topic on
When will someone do something about this problem? I had some free time now on work and I checked top 10 in the global ranking. 6 or 7 obvious cheats, and I made 4 reports which are clear from the start that people are cheating.
How will a person who havent cleared "top100" achievement ever be able to manage to clear that achievement when there is no fair play in ranking and people on top are all bots who play empty leagues, or cheat their way up? Why not making only public leagues being counted for ranking? Why dont you appoint someone to regurarly check top 100 for cheats and stuff like that?
Give us a chance for a decent ranking, please do something about this ongoing problem since you introduced OSM medals
Matija -
@Majstor-Matt they pay, they stay.
@MarkusRW5 Yup, sadly it is that way. But some even dont make a single transfer whole season in all league (filled with their bots) and still get a way with it.. only thing they waste coins on is opening the league because they cannot join public one with their style of play..
But ok, I understand all that... one thing I dont understand is the fact that its been almost 2 years since I started this question, and we havent got a single one replyfrom someone official about this problem. Are they aware of it? Do they lack staff to battle it? What is their opinnion about the problem? Nope, not a single sentence about a problem that is ongoing since the very first day they came up with this brilliant new ranking
@Majstor-Matt it look like nothing was done... There is the best example of cheating on top of ranking player: Moein Chary was even to lazy to make diffrent user name he just put number 2 in his 2nd account (I think that this 2 more are the same guy). How it is fair? How I can go to top 100 if ranking is took over by cheaters... I play that game 18 years and 2-3 years ago I create 2nd account. I want to play more leagues. I never play the same league with 2 account, not belong to the same group just play separatly to have more fun and my account was blocked after few weeks due to multi account. Finally I get second chance to play fair after appeal. So if my second account was discovered how it is possible that clear cheaters are still playing?
I understand that it takes time but if you play winners Cup where you spent 2-3 months and spent boss coins to build good team and you loose with cheater this is really Unfair and A lot of people will leave that game!
GB please think about improvment of that... I will not comment again Medal System which promote to play empty league with computer teams because I lose hope that it will be changed.
In the past to be in the Top-100 it was necessary to spend BC, now it is necessary to have multiaccount.
99 of the top 100 are multi-account and the 1 that is not is because it is inactive
@jasiuk88 Yup, the sad truth is that cheaters dont even try to hide it as they see nothing is being done to them.. I even reported that fella last time I did the chck but It looks like he is not a cheater as he is not locked. Obviously coincidence that 2 such high profiled and high skilled players are playing closed pricate leagues and have such great goal differences. We are simply not on their level
@Majstor-Matt maybe it is time that somebody will do something with that. Because if not we will never reach Top 100... and this guy from Iran (very funny that 4 account in row from Iran) will be suspended... I think that most account from top 100 is not legal...