Browser: Empty transfer list
costs people like us money and games .....
I also have an empty screen, can't buy new players on desktop:
Still no fixes..
We just can't reproduce it...
Can any of you guys try to provide us all the possible info that can lead us to reproduce it and after that fix (in case it's something on our side). Maybe OS, browser, version of browser, go to inspect element and send us the error info (if any) that shows on console...
Can you try with a different internet provider (if possible), if not maybe try to connect via VPN (like this we can filter if some data is being blocked on your ISP), check if you've the latest browser version, otherwise update it...
Hello , i don't know why this days , the list of " transfert list " does not appear ?!
my tip for now is guys if u use pc or laptop and u dont see transferlist ( like me ) if u use ur phone it works so as long they dont fix it this is the only way
Transfer league not working
the squad rating keep falling for no reason!! bro I've lost 3 match in a row because of this i lost the championship against players ain't even playing? this is frustrating how could team with value over 1,100M lose to team value with 85M and have no formation and most of his players are injured , just how bro i'm done with this game, lots of bugs
Hi guys,
quick question: Only when I open OSM with Opera GX I can't reach the Tranferlist Window. It's just completely empty, not even an error message or something.
Anyone knows what can cause this problem? No problems on Firefox or the Mobile App.Thansk
@SpecialOne This is what is shown when using developer tools:
@Edwin-Over-Sar_NL Mine is also opera gx, and it's not working.. same for firefox, can only access it on microsoft edge and on the mobile app
transfer list isnt working for days, only selling players. firefox on desktop, chrome on tablet. And it wont let me login on edge, keep message that my password/login is incorrect
Tks a lot for your feedback. It was really helpful and we managed to reproduce and fix it with your help.
Can you guys please let us know if it's working again for you guys?
@SpecialOne Now it's working also on Chrome.
@SpecialOne It's working on my side now.
It seems like it's fixed!
Once more, thank you for your help on finding what was wrong
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