What the... is going on ?! I had 375k after the match was simulated, I pressed again to put my money into savings, AGAIN SUM WITH MINUS.
Please.. I can't do anything without money because of these bugs.
And, moreover, I can't put my money into savings because it is lost into minus if I do that ...
Screenshot after I tried to put 375k into savings.
after a player was sold today
btw, the funny thing is that you can notice:
in the 1st pic i had -10 million bla bla 107
in the 2nd i have -10 million bla bla 489 after adding my income from last round.see my point? it just got "added" to the minus value and turned into an even bigger minus
Even more details, if that helps.
Login: Emil Boss
Account: Slot 3
League number: 61040197
Date & Time of the bug: 13.03.2017, 21:00
Platform: Website PC
Browser: Google Chrome
Screenshots: already presented in this topic
Bug step-by-step Description: I tried to put my money into savings and got it with a minus value. After the match was simulated, I got 375k and again tried to put it into savings, got an even bigger minus.