★Star Cup★ - 1st Edition
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Congratulations New Comand
Please, I will ask you to use the English language, to speak in this topic
@Би-Кевин-Кристиан New Command wants Banner
Only English in here. -
I want to congratulate all the groups that played the star cup, and have made this tournament bigger every year, congratulate the BS group who packed a lot to reach this final unfortunately that is how only one can be the champion, which does not mean that the Other is a loser everyone has their merits, congratulate the group champion that was the NC, to the whole group I know that it is not easy to reach a final has a long work back that many times people do not see, but who is inside yes see And I felt, finally, special congratulations to the princess Dayane Mayara who suffers near the simulation schedules, this final had a prize for me was to have her friendship
Thank you on behalf of New Command! It was a great battle, as you said only 1 is champion, but only to reach the final are already winners! Thank you for the friendship that we built during this battle and wish you all the luck!To the other groups my sincere congratulations.
New Command eagerly awaits the banners! Hugs. -
On behalf of the Draco's Crew I want to congratulate all the groups present at Starcup, from our part I can only say that it was a great tournament and well organized is without a doubt something to repeat next year, a 3rd edition, we did not leave here with The expected result but not everything went well, and someone has to lose, a special congratulations and thanks to the Black Star group not only for their performance in the tournament but for the success that was the tournament, at least it is our opinion. Thank you all and see you next year.
Hello guys! I come here to make a post at the request of a friend. Congratulations :clap_tone2:
End of the 2nd edition
Finally we reach the end of the 2nd Edition of STAR CUP. It was a very disputed edition in which they had great battles, 32 groups of all the world.
And at the end of the competition, NEW COMANND was crowned champion of the competition, defeating BLACK STAR in the final. Draco's recovered from the semi-final defeat and managed to win 3rd place in the competition against the Husarya_PL.
I wanted to thank all the coaches and groups involved, who made this competition incredible, without you it would not be possible. Thank you all, but issues will be coming soon, I hope you again !!
Award Banners:
Credits to @Leandro-Bandeira by the banners !!
Thank you @RidiculousOne for keeping them informed