Scout does not his job
I gave my scout the assignment to search for age 29+, 90+ defenders. He returns everytime with defenders of 81? someone please explain this to me?
You do understand that I fired him, right?
@mr-oned4nce_nl Hi mate
If you search for 90+ players and your scout returns with players under 90, it means that there are no players left that meet your requirements. When all the possible players are taken, the scout will automatically go to 80 rated players.
Kind Regards
Oh shit.. I have to spend a lot of money then
Thanks for your help!
To give an exact explanation
When something like that happens there are 2 posibilities
1.: All the players from that category are already taken in your league. When this happens it means that another team in your competition already has a player of that kind. When all the possible players are taken, the scout will automatically go to 80 rated players.
2.: There might also not be any kind of players available in general. From my knowledge, there are no <25 offensive defenders available in OSM right now, only like 87 rated. This means that the game will automatically go towards 80 rated players because you wanted talented players.
I have had the same problem today, I wanted Donnaruma, but he was already taken by another team, thus giving me the alternative goalkeepers
Also, adjusting your preferences might do the trick.
Thanks everyone