Advanced Cheaters :D
We have a club who is cheating in our league. We all wrote to that cheater to stop doing that, due to violent language that he used then he resign from a cub. Now that Club own another manager what should we do in this case ? I spent more than 200$ on boss coins is this fair ? selling players to one club more than 300m ?!!
Is possible to report this case and admins to take any action to that club ? if no I can do the same... everyone can do the same stuff?
B Conte -
@become-the-best Hi, welcome.
Cheating always needs to be reported through our system, you can do that by going to the managers profile -
the cheater manager resigned today, now its new manager on the club.
Is fair now for our league members to have that guy in our league with all that team ?Team received more than 300m selling players to another team. Now new manager have a perfect team on him what should we do?
@become-the-best You should have reported it through the system sooner to avoid that.
The team remains the same, so there's not much you can do about that -
yes we can. We r going to report if not all 8 active members we r going to resign.
Thanks alot Hespera you help a lot the OSM community, great job