@grandecagliari 004 - Transfer market - The mistake made by beginners is to make the team that is the same as that of reality. Instead you have to completely transform the team, to the point that you do not recognize it anymore. We will sell all the initial players one by one, and it is rare that we will keep at least one of them. The easiest thing to do is to choose a game module, for example the 433b and keep only one reserve for the bench, while the tired one will send it to the stands, to regain its strength. If a player has a Strength below 85% it will be better to remove him from the team, to avoid injury. Here to apply that form 433b we will need to attack: 3 holders + 1 reserve + 1 in the stands, as many as 5 players. What to sell and the prices to be put, will be the subject of the next post. Come on Cagliari
@grandecagliari 005 - The Transfer Market in the Pre Season - in those 3 days we will sell the players with the most value in our team, trying to sell one for each sector of the field. The last ones we will have to sell are the players that are worth little. Throughout the championship we will always have to keep all 4 sales posts occupied: as soon as a seat is freed, we immediately put a new player on sale. Sales prices must be the maximum possible. Of the other steps to be made in the pre-season, we will talk about it in the next posts. Come on Cagliari.
@grandecagliari o.k.
@grandecagliari yes
Have somebody killed him? Come on...
@grandecagliari ottimo
No need to bring this topic discussion at all...closed....